The potted history

1 minute read time.

Hello - I am new to this. I need a "safe" place to put some structure and sense to my feelings and thoughts and I ended up here. My Mum was diagnosed with small lymphocytic lymphoma in August 2009. They (as in the medical folks she saw) had thought it was a bad cold, overactive glands, pneumonia and finally Swine Flu (that was whilst in France) and then it was finally diagnosed as cancer. It did not come as a total surprise as there was some nagging thought at the back of my head and I took some comfort from it being lymphoma rather than another type of cancer.

She has been pretty much well since her diagnosis, but in November last year a routine test showed her platelets had dropped very low (she was also suffering from lots of bruising and tiredness) so she went on steroids. These seemed to do the job and things improved, but then a couple of weeks ago and after the steroids had been reduced, her platelets have significantly dropped again so last week she had a CT scan and bone marrow biopsy and we get the results next week. They have told her to prepare for the fact that it is highly likely she will need some treatment and mentioned chemo.

I have been fine since she first told me of the lymphoma, but this latest news has knocked me sideways and I have been a wreck. It is like it has finally hit that she is ill and that things are not just ticking on. Someone I have not seen in ages asked me this week how things were with Mum and I told her and her response was “well it can’t have been that big a surprise this would happen”. Not the best thing I have heard (was going to suggest a coffee and catch up till this point) – yes not a surprise but still a shock and an unpleasant one at that.

Oh well, we will just have to see how things go next week. Mum is being brave but kind of “head in the sand”, my Dad’s a mess and my sister is just being herself (which is not fab, but at totally different tale). Feels better just to get this down!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stephy

    First of all sending you massive squidgy hugs and love.

    Sorry to hear your news and the 'brave but head in the sand' reaction from your Mum seems to be a fairly common way of coping with it initially.  Reading that your Dad is a mess also seems to be a common reaction, ie the patient appearing to be calm while all around them are falling to pieces.  I hope your Dad finds his inner core of strength soon.

    Waiting for results is the worst part and if the news is not good then comes the waiting to see what the treatment plan will be.  I know this is going to be a hard time for all of you and the Macfamily are here for you any time you need us.

    I know you will want to give your Mum and Dad as much support as you can but don't forget that you need some support too so please make sure you look after yourself as well as everybody else.

    Much love and more squidgy hugs,

    Nin xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi stephy

    sorry to hear about your mums cancer progress. if you should ever want to chat to people about the cancer or your feelings about dealing with this shock why dont you try the chat room on here. there are many people in the same boat as you all waiting to offer a ear, support and advice you never know you might even meet a new friend or two. You could even get your mum on to chat with like minded people. the chat room is a great way to sound off or just have a quite chat. its not always doom and gloom so go on give it a try. good luck















  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your kind words and advice – really appreciate them. It is a comfort and relief to have found this place. What I have found most surprising since Mum was diagnosed is just the complete rollercoaster of emotions I have gone through from shock, anger, upset then days when you totally forget she has it (that has been the biggest blessing that she has lymphoma as it has been dormant for 2 years now but now seems to have come and bit us on the bum).

    Well this time next week we will know more and I am taking comfort in the fact that the cancer team have acted quickly, that my Mum is as stubborn as a mule and a fighter and that she is still fairly young so she has that on her side. So until then, keeping busy and having a few nice things planned (night out with friends and getting a hair cut – I am easily pleased).

    So hugs back at you and a big, big thanks

    Stephy x