Wednesday..........not as full of woe as you are lead to believe!

1 minute read time.

Well today brings, as expected, mixed news.............

Mum has had her results and things are not as bad as could be which is a big yeah! The cancer has infiltrated her bone marrow and she is also suffering from very dry skin, has had a lump develop and overly active sinuses (i.e. she’s a snot monster in our words, having had a cold since November and it is showing no signs of shifting). They have said that they want to treat the platelet issue rather than the cancer, which is still pretty load grade. They are meeting again tomorrow to put the final treatment plan together so it looks like she will be having 4 weeks of Rituximab, but her consultant has said that it may change tomorrow and they want to treat the cancer too.

So yeap, better news that we thought. We had been prepared for her needing treatment and now that you hear that it is going ahead, it seems easier to deal with. I feel calm for the first time in 2 weeks (i.e. since we got the news that her Big C had decided to get bigger).

Hey’s to tomorrow and that side effect of cancer....more waiting!

Stephy x

