A wobbly Wednesday

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Need a self indulgent moan today – this is more to get it out of me than have replies / kick the cat / moan at hubbie by the way. Well Mum will get her results in a week’s time and I having a wobble. Think it has been kicked off by chatting to another mum at school who’s a nurse (fatal talking to someone with medical knowledge at times).

Anyway I am just hoping things will be fine. Planning on taking my boys up to see her afterwards (thankfully all coincided with half term) to spend some quality Grandma time before any treatment needs to be done. Poor hubbie will be left to look after the two guinea pigs I bought in a fit of bonkers-ness after Mum told me her news. I decided life was too short and bought my boy pets after saying I wouldn’t! Hey ho; could have been worse!

Stephy x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stephy

    Wobbly days are to be expected now and againand it will be lovely for the boys to have quality Grandma time.

    As for hubbie and the guinea pigs, well tell him to look on the bright side - you could have bought them springer spaniels which would need walking three times a day (and by a walk I mean a 10 mile hike) or pet tarantulas or boa constrictors which would need to be fed with rats and mice.  I think he's got off lightly.  LOL!

    Stay strong!

    Much love and hugs,

    Nin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nin

    Will try that again as it did not work!!! Snakes are my worst idea of a pet EVER! Hate the things – terrify me and the boys seem to like them so have to be big brave momma when we see them.

    Thanks for the message – the wobbles have gone for the time being and I am looking forward to taking the boys up to my parents. They love my Mum and Dad and always have a great time with them so it’s something to look forward to.

    Stephy x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stephy,

    Yes indeed wobbles are allowed and as you pooped in to my blog earlier I too had a wobble this morning but it passes doesn't it.

    I love snakes and we used to have two royal pythons who by the way were expert at escaping on an odd occasion hehe.

    Thanks for the hug and chocolate, and may I return with similar,

    A hug (((((hug)))) and whatever tipple you would like be it alcolhol or not. A wine maybe or a pot of tea, oooh i know howabout a nice baileys in a coffee mmmmmmmm.

    Take care and have a nice visit with the kids,

    jan xxxxx