confused and pi**ed off

  • The Chat Room - ENOUGH !!


    Hi Guys,
    Don't really want to post more and more blogs on such a sensitive subject,  the more we talk it out the more we are going to upset each other !
    Want to ask you all a favour - can we draw a line under this subject now please, reading the various post we are all in agreement - The purpose of the Chat Room echo's the purpose of the site - to support anyone suffering from the affects of Cancer.
    Lets not get…

  • Life is Good !!


    Ok Gobby is back !!

    Been a week or 2 since I posted anything - but in a good place these days. Quick update ok - Locally advanced prostate Cancer, on hormone treatment since Oct 2008 but started to fail - tumours on the march again - to be honest - had a big wobble, wanted to hide alone in my dark, cold, safe cave  - but a couple of very Special Friend lead me back into the sun, warmth and held my hand - thanks  xx

  • Happy Easter To The Mac Family



    Well Guys - Its Easter Tomorrow, Not sure what it means to you, maybe different for each of us.

    To the Kids a time to go hypo on choc, and maybe some Mums too  when the kids backs are turned, make the most of it, the little err angels will learn to count so soon !!

    The Adults ? Well I lost my faith many Years ago, maybe a bit sad but not happy to follow any path that wants to kill to prove 'My God is Better than Yours…

  • My Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer and RT Journey


    Friday Night Update - Yes I am having a glass of wine so maybe close to being back to my Normals self !!
    Do not think anyone will be offended, less humour in this Blog - a serious indication of my treatment and the effects and hope if this is read by any one affected by Prostate Cancer, Patient or Carer, considering Radio Therapy might gains some knowledge and maybe an insight, hope this may remove some concerns of the…

  • Life, The Universe and Big Mac's !


    My Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer and Radio Therapy Journey
    Well these Fridays seem to be coming around fast, time for a glass of wine and some more deep thinking !
    Well I have been sat here for an hour on my own and pondering, along with all the Nobel Prize winners, some of the mysteries of the Universe, You know the thing - Einstein  e = mc squared. How did the Universe come into Existence, what existed before the Universe…