confused and pi**ed off

  • Well Its Now Official - I Am Half Baked !!


    My Prostate Cancer and Radio Therapy Journey
    Hi Guys,
    OK Friday night, glass of wine and time to unwind and update as to where I am. Very brief update, Locally advanced prostate cancer Dx 3 years ago and everything going fantastic, being treated by 3 monthly hormone injections to control. Then last January's PSA blood test result which is an indicator of cancer activity, showed current treatment starting to fail, at an…

  • No-It Only Happens To Other Mums - Surely Not Me?


                      ONE DAY WE WILL BEAT CANCER !!
    Each year Scientific Knowledge and Screening Techniques Improve
    Genetic Testing With Preventative Medication and Surgery Advances
    But Alone This Will Never Be Enough ! Cancer Will Not Be Beaten
    Until We become Self-Aware, Self Examine And Take The Tests. 
       Tests can Only Show up Abnormalities If We Take Them !!!
    Life can be so confusing…

  • 'Desiderata': A Poem for a Way of Life


    Pour Yourselves a Glass of Wine Or a Cup Of Tea and Spend 10 minutes - its is Worth Reading and THinking About

    Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
    and remember what peace there may be in silence.
    As far as possible, without surrender,
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even to the dull and the ignorant;
    they too have their story.
    Avoid loud and aggressive…

  • Today is Yesterdays Tomorrow !


    Advanced Prostate Cancer Patients Lament

    ( With deep apologies to Lennon / McCartney !! )

    QUICK WARNING to any new Prostate Cancer Patients Or Carers, the following is my views, expeiences and hopes following Dx And Treatment for Advanced Prostate Cancer which is inoperable and all treatment is intended to slow its progress and not cure.

    Prostate Cancer is easy to treat and cure if caught early, please ask your partner…

  • In Memory of 'Ju' Butler and a Wish for Jenni


    A lot of people on this Site know Jenni Butler and owe her so much for her caring and unfailing support. I just wanted to remind people that tomorrow Thursday March 10th is the Anniversary of the Death of her husband 'Ju',  diagnosed with Cancer, originally caused by Melanoma.  He died peacefully in Jenni's Arms.


    Jenni lost not only her Husband  but Soul mate, Companion and Father to their 3 Children, Daughter…