My Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer and RT Journey

4 minute read time.

Friday Night Update - Yes I am having a glass of wine so maybe close to being back to my Normals self !!
Do not think anyone will be offended, less humour in this Blog - a serious indication of my treatment and the effects and hope if this is read by any one affected by Prostate Cancer, Patient or Carer, considering Radio Therapy might gains some knowledge and maybe an insight, hope this may remove some concerns of the unknown. It does contain some anotomical, or should that be biological info ? Either way know you Guys will understand
Well thats it - RT All done - lets do the serious bit, had 16 consecutive treatments, Monday to Friday each of 4 doses, lost count the first time, thought it was 5 doses, must of been over excited. The treatment itself is painfree - apart from a buzzing noise you would not know its happening. There is no heating or any other sensation, just a slight draft while the boxer shorts are down.
There are side effects and I think in 99% of cases these are mild, they tend to start during the second week, bit early to predict yet but should start to fade 2 - 4 weeks after the treatment ends.
I do get a medical review after 6 weeks, by telephone, this concentrates on the side effects and to see if any have been long lasting effects that may need treatment.
I was furnished with a list of contact numbers and the instructions to contact them at any time for advice about symptoms or any concerns at all. The lasting impression I was left with - Profesionalism, every stage you were addressed by your first name, very personal, not just a patient number. After the first couple of days what seemed a casual greeting 'How are you today' was followed up by an anylsis of the symptoms and did you need any medication or guidence as to how to minimise the effects, a change of diet etc .
Not sure but some of you might like to jump over the next couple paragraphs - deals with effects on the bladder and bowels ! Quick biology lesson about the Prtostate ? the Prostate is part of the male sexual system, it actally produces the seminal fluid, the liquid the sperm is suspended in. it situated between the bladder and the penis and surrounds the uretha - the tube urine passes through. Its situated on the centre line of the body behind the pubic bone.
RT treatment is from the back and affects the bladder and bowel area as well. The effect does have a thining effect on the skin and causes bleeding, around the back passage,  this is a very common side effect, still just discomfort with only a little pain - worst aspect about it maybe - it gets worse before it gets better - lol
Bit of a catch 22 situation - need to keep the area clean to avoid infection, but very sensetive to pressure or friction. I ended up using moist baby wipes - even these felt harsh at times ! Knew I was born to better things !! They do recommend switching to a low fibre diet and this is worthwhile folowing.
Other effects - bladder - flow restricted due to prostate compressing uretha, frequency increased  and the same effects as cystitus - burning sensation when weeing - but these fade quite quickly. The worst side effect is probably fatigue, but again a nap in the afternoon or early evening helps with this and maybe a couple of early nights each week.
Maybe the hardest bit about the treatment ? Waiting for results. Despite several scans during treatment these are not available for diagnostic purposes, just to confirm the area being treated and as a permanent record
The proposed Consultants reviews agreed pre-treatment were, alternate appointments with Eurologyst and Onc, each 6 months apart but staggered by 3 months. Usually have PSA indicator blood test 2 weeks prior to appointmenst so results are available at review. Been suggest I forget next appointment (May 6th ) and PSA test as too close to treatment ending to show true indication, so next review 15th August with PSA test. The whole reason for the RT was due to a rising PSA so maybe a little on edge by August, last PSA was January - but such is life. No point rushing things with early results, unneccessary worry or false hopes, will give the treatment a chance to reflect true action.
If anyone is considering RT for the Prostate feel free to PM me if you want further information, such as the medication available - hope all facilities are as Good as Christies.
So, sorry to say, Guys I will be back to my normal annoying self soon and causing havok in the chat room soon - got a stack of jokes ready - lol !!
Love and Hugs

J xx

  • FormerMember

    Love and ((((((((BIG HUGS)))))) to you too John!

    Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    Hugs John, Hope the side effects dont cause you too much trouble.

    Love Rosie

  • FormerMember

    Hi John,  Well you made it again and here's to you........... Cheers.

    Keep up the good work we are all still with you xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Glad you throu the RT, and are picking up, you come and annoy us as much as you like !  you dont really annoy us just a very informative helpful man.  Fingers and toes crossed all is cured and you feeling upbeat about your future.  take care Joun. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi John, ((hugs))

    Glad to hear that you have come through the RT intact, if a little singed around the edges!! I know that your humour and empathy makes such a difference to so many people on here ,am thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery from the RT sideffects, and heres hoping that its done the trick.

    With love, Sharonxx