Happy Easter To The Mac Family

3 minute read time.


Well Guys - Its Easter Tomorrow, Not sure what it means to you, maybe different for each of us.

To the Kids a time to go hypo on choc, and maybe some Mums too  when the kids backs are turned, make the most of it, the little err angels will learn to count so soon !!

The Adults ? Well I lost my faith many Years ago, maybe a bit sad but not happy to follow any path that wants to kill to prove 'My God is Better than Yours' type argument. Religion has probably resulted in more deaths over the centuries than anything else.
For the Strong Christians among you - May tomorrow bring you peace and a renewal of faith with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For those of other faiths, or no faith at all, may this year bring peace and good health to You and Yours.
Not sure how some of You feel on here but I do think back to my Catholic upbringing and have a fair knowledge of the bible and some of the parables, stories that have purpose even if not based on fact to offer hope or to inspire a positive attitude. 
Hope no one will be too offended but I always consider the bible to be a parable almost, a collection of thoughts and almost folk law passed down through the generations, all with the purpose of improving behaviour and inspiring a Love of God and maybe even an explanation as to God's existence. The bible has been through so many transitions, translations and interpretations all intended to clarify certain points or aspects but probably bear little resemblance to the original words.
Sorry going off at a tangent here and know I am in danger of offending so many people - maybe the point I started off wanting to make ? In a way I see Cancer as almost being a resurrection, sorry if that sounds like blasphemy to some but maybe give me a chance to sort my thoughts out ?
Maybe a bit like Saul being stuck blind on the road to Damascus, a bolt of lightning strikes us down, You never asked for it - let alone deserved it but sudden told You have Cancer. Guaranteed 99% of us react the same way or at least a selection of thoughts, perm any 8 from 10, Stunned, Scarred, disbelief, unfairness, why us, Bloody results mixed with someone else's and the worst - we are going to die !!
All of these seem to be typical, the one thing we find hard to do at first is to talk about it - let alone listen or ask for help, we find medics are talking a new foreign language, not sure if its the shock - we either don't hear or if we do, we don't understand   and we do not ask for explanations. The word we heard and it drowns out every other word or thought 'CANCER'
We all know it a certain immediate Death sentence. Its not long before we start thinking of others, how will my Wife, Husband, Partner, Children  or Parents cope, maybe at this stage we start to look for answers ?
So many of us find ourselves looking for hope, we start to do searches on the net, we Google, Never ever a good thing to do !
Eventually we find sites like this with factual information, technical details and others who prove so much we thought was wrong - There is hope - there is Survival, at a surprising high percentage to the new comers, best of all we find Hope, Support and Love from People who understand, not only do they want to listen - they understand !! Thank You to the Mac Family one and all.
Ok maybe a bit sad, science still has some way to go, we will not all make it - but our chances and time scale are improving all the time. But know what - we are so happy that so many of our friends do !! - every day we read of Friends who have made it, treatment over, remission and NED - How fantastic is that. ?

So maybe a long winded way of making my point - to anyone who has made it and will make it - You have been reborn, do not waste it and live life to the full for some of us who won't please.
Just want to wish a Happy Easter To All Patients, ex-patients, Carers and Ex- carers - wishing you peace and hope for the future.
Love and Hugs To All
J xx


  • FormerMember

    Hi John, I believe in God but it does not stop me from questioning my faith at times! No way would I ever take your blog to be offensive John,each to their own,eh?  

    Happy Easter and big hugs to you and yours.x

  • FormerMember

    Hi John.  As usual you have a way with words that I find very thoughtful to everyone who reads them.

    I do agree regarding rolling away that heavy stone and your words of being "re-born". Since been diagnosed, treatments etc, everything has been stripped right back to the basic core and I have had to be treated yes just like a new born baby, with only baby products, gentle caring, and learning to grow all over again both in mind and body due to the changes that Cancer has brought. So yes lets roll away that heavy stone together.

    Lots of love and warmth sent your way. xx

  • FormerMember

    A little late but I wish you a Happy Easter too John.

    All the best love Julie xx