confused and pi**ed off

  • A Tribute To Carers and Ex-Carers xxx


    Hi Guys,
    Had some good news a couple of weeks ago and on a real high, maybe the reason I am now even more aware than usual of the pain so many are feeling on here, both the physical type for the patients, some of the treatments although having real long term benefits can be so traumatic.
    Then there is the Emotional strain and pain, suffered by all at some stage, the shock of diagnosis, the waiting for scans the the never…

  • I am in Great Place !!


    Always try to be PC But this is pushing it

    Well sorry guys but that means I may go on for a while, not posted for a while so will use this as an update to my blog. Very Brief update, locally advanced prostate Cancer, on hormone treatment and stable - you need more details read my Bio !

    Well life can be a bit sneaky - posted my last update October 2010 - saying how well the treatment was working, about the same time…

  • Not Sure Maybe I am Just Selfish ?


    Well those that know me will  know it does not take a lot to get me confused, maybe a glass of wine and a thought that I cannot get out of my head, the thought is usually in the the small hours of the morning when I am trying to get back to sleep. The wine is usually a good bit earlier than that !
    OK first point I do not think for one second that any one child's life is worth more or less than another based purely on lifes…

  • Britain's Got Cancer - Apologies to Simon


    Hi Guys,

    Well back in one of my reflective moods today, never a good sign when I start thinking, problem is so little ammunition to use it gets scarry !!
    OK not sleeping too  well at the moment, few problems on my mind, nothing serious and nothing compared to the problems some of the Mac Family have to contend with. Also struggling, the last couple of week, with night sweats, bet that that paints a pleasant picture huh…

  • The End Of The World or Just Hell On Earth !!


    OK !! Fed up with all you false prophets of doom, spreading uncertainty and concern among us, the true believers !! Some of us have experienced Hell more than once and prayed for the end of the world !!
    The correct date for the end of the civilised world and the start of hell on earth is 29th August 2011, coincides with the Bank Holiday, anyone heading into Devon will experience it, 24 mile traffic jams.  As soon as you…