Life is Good !!

2 minute read time.

Ok Gobby is back !!

Been a week or 2 since I posted anything - but in a good place these days. Quick update ok - Locally advanced prostate Cancer, on hormone treatment since Oct 2008 but started to fail - tumours on the march again - to be honest - had a big wobble, wanted to hide alone in my dark, cold, safe cave  - but a couple of very Special Friend lead me back into the sun, warmth and held my hand - thanks  xx
So I was offered RT to try to  hit the source, took a couple of days out to consider side effects versus the benefits - always been a bit of a gambler - well suppose life is a lottery - just never been a big winner. Not complaining  honest - just a fact.
So had 16 sessions, painless but side effect caused a bit of discomfort - tea time so no details but involves bladder and bowels ok - but can be controlled by diet and medication and never in any real pain.
OK indication that hormone treatment was failing  was a blood test with PSA indicator rising by a factor of 2 every 6 months - last result 4.35 - figure is not significant - the rise is the concern - up from 2.7 just shows some unwanted activity. So started treatment on March 23rd, 16 sessions mon  - fri and finished April 13 th  Blood test taken 20th April for Urologist appointment on 6th May - bank holidays cock everything up.
Been told that the RT would not affect the accuracy of the PSA result - but too early see any effect. What a great day - told the PSA was down to 2 !!
OK being honest- I hoped the treatment may of held the figure around the 4 - 5 or at least slowed the doubling, dreaded hearing 6 or higher but wow !! 7 days after treatment finished or 28 days after it started fells so good. Assured by Urologist  effects are results of RT - no other factor to account for it.
Looks like they hit the main source, ok I accept - there maybe a few more sites to hit - more hormones maybe - but on a high for while - next blood test is for the 1st july so fingers crossed ! Know they can only slow it down, but everyday is a bonus - still have so much to do !
To all My Mac Mates - thanks for being there for me and the love and encouragement you have sent. it really does help when you are a bit down or trying to hide in that cave.

Love and hugs Guys
J xx
