Support resources for Carers, family members and friends

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Support resources for Carers, family members and friends

This blog is a support resource for carers, friends, and family members who are supporting a loved one living with cancer. When supporting a loved one it’s important to know what help you can access, so the following will tell how the Online Community can support you and where to turn for additional support.

The Online Community is here to support you

Being there to support a loved one living with cancer can cause a range of emotions and you are not alone if you are struggling. There are people in the following forums who share their experiences and talk openly about how they are coping with supporting a loved one living with cancer.

If you haven’t already, join these forums today:

The groups are dedicated spaces for you to get support when you need to talk about how you are feeling and ask practical questions like these recent conversations:

If you need support, start your own discussion once you have joined the groups. There is some step by step guidance and short tutorial videos in our Help Pages to help you use the site. 

How might joining these forums be helpful?

Having space to connect with people who are also supporting a loved one living with cancer can help you feel less alone. It may also help you to understand your feelings and find words to help express how you are coping. 

There are other ways you can find support Online

Community news blogs

In our Community news section, there is the ‘Supporting someone with cancer’ section where all our content aimed at family members and friends can be found.

browse by topics with a red circle around the supporting someone with cancer section

The following links are a few blogs which you can find in this section of our Community news blog: 

The Macmillan website has a range of support resources and trusted cancer information. 

Tailored support from the Macmillan Support Line

The Macmillan Support Line teams are there to support everyone affected by cancer. This includes caregivers and loved ones who need emotional and practical support. When you contact the Support Line there will be options to speak to the Information Nurse Specialists, the Cancer Support Advisers, and the Money and Work Teams. They can provide emotional support, practical information, and financial guidance for as long as you need.

Sometimes it can help to talk things through with someone who’s there to listen. The teams mentioned above are available 7 days a week from 8am-8pm. To get in touch, call freephone 0808 808 00 00, send email or use live webchat during the opening hours.

Ask our Experts on the Community

You can speak to the Support Line teams by posting in the Ask an Expert section of the Community and they’ll aim to respond as soon as they can. Usually within 2-3 working days. 

We hope the above information helps you find the support you are looking for and you'll consider reaching out to one of the support options mentioned. Use the comment box to share a green heart or message of support for those caring for a loved one living with cancer. 


    1. I’ve just lost my husband one week ago yesterday I don’t know how or what to do I’m completely lost he battled on for a year and it’s all come to an abrupt end 
  • Hi Mandi293,

    It’s Megan here from Macmillan’s Online Community team. I am so sorry to hear about your husband’s passing, this must still be a sensitive time for you, so I hope you have some support around you. It’s natural to experience a range of emotions when coping with the loss of a loved one and I hope you’ll find some comfort from being a part of our Community.

    We have the Bereaved partners and spouses forum which you may find useful to join. It’s a safe and supportive space to chat with others who are also grieving and share openly how you are coping. Once you are a member of the group by clicking the grey ‘click to join’ banner, you can start a discussion by selecting the ‘+new’ or ‘+’ button.

    The discussions in our Community groups may help you feel that you are not alone in feeling this way so please do post as much as you feel comfortable to.

    Alongside accessing peer to peer support from our Community groups, the Macmillan Support Line has specialist teams who are also there to support you. Sometimes it can help to talk things through with someone who’s there to listen. They’re available 7 days a week, 8am-8pm on freephone 0808 808 00 00, email or live webchat.

    If you think accessing some specialist bereavement support would be helpful, there is lots of useful information in Macmillan’s coping with bereavement booklet. It includes details of other specialist organisations trained to support people with their grief such as Cruse Bereavement Care.

    They have a free confidential helpline were you can pick up the phone and speak to their team of trained bereavement volunteers on their helpline by calling 0808 808 1677, 7 days a week.

    I hope the above information can be useful and if you have any questions or need help with using the site, please don’t hesitate to get back in touch. You can email or send a private message to the Moderator account.

    Best wishes, 

    Macmillan's Online Community team

  • Thank you that’s helpful it’s a struggle to carry on when nothing is normal I will join now thanks