Nearing the end - Home or hospice

  • 2 replies
  • 19 subscribers

My husband has stage 4 lung & liver cancer.

Various treatments were tried and have now stopped. He doesn't have long left.

I’d love for him to stay at home, but he’s becoming difficult to manage. He has stopped eating and is delirious and talking nonsense a lot.

The District nurse comes in weekly to see him so I will also ask her, but does anyone have any advice for when it’s best to stop looking after him at home and when to admit it’s too much and he needs a hospice?

  • Im so sorry to hear about your husband. My mum had lung cancer and near the end I told her that I wanted to look after her until the end. But she insisted on going to hospice because she wanted me to have the support. I was glad that she did because she needed medication and pain relief. Personally, if she had died in her bed at home I would constantly have been reminded every time i went in there that she died there. The hospice care was great and it took some of the pressure away from me so that I could just be with her and if I was worried about any changes in her the medical staff were there to talk me through it. Its so hard to lose someone you love. Im sending you strength . Look after yourself too 

  • So sorry that you are going through this. Has the district nurse been in since the changes of no longer eating and being delirious? It can be so difficult or in some cases not possible to manage towards the end and hospice settings provide such good care and have access to anything needed as and when needs arise, don’t be afraid to ask for an assessment urgently from the palliative team or GP and go from there x