Clint journey

  • How Much More


    Well what i thought had happened hadnt actually happened.  I thought CLint had received his R-Chop treatment on Friday but actually was informed today when we went down to the hospital that he had only received the R and P part.  Confused I was, but the consultant informed us that his liver function was still not down to where it should be so he cant get the CHO part which is the chemo part until this is rectified!!!

  • God Give Me Strength


    Well where to begin, Clint was admitted to Monklands Ward 16 Haematology on Wednesday Night as an emergency becuase he went extremely yellow. 

    He had been at the clinic on the wednesday morning to see the consultant who said his liver function had to improve before he could get his chemotherapy, so they put him on steriod sto help his liver.  So we came home and i went out to do some shopping and when i camehome he was…

  • Horrible Day


    Well where to start, we got a call yesterday to attend the clinic today and no reason why so of course we were worried sick.

    Today came and we went to clinic and saw Dr Fyfe who said that he is quite happy to go ahead with the R-Chop chemo but he requires to take a Steriod Predisalone (Dont know if thats the correct spelling) to get s his bilirubin level down which is something to do with his liver before he could start…

  • Hard Day


    Well what can i say today Monday 28th March has been actually quite a hard day.  Clint has been feeling quite low and it doesnt help that he has turned more yellow than normal. 

    He has been extremely sleepy and itchy, wont stop scratching himself i am frightened that he is going to hurt himself.

    Why do i feel selfish by the fact that i feel like crying all the time today it is really hard to see him that way and know…

  • New Journey


    Well after the appointment with Dr Fyfe on Wednesday we found out that Clint requires to get another biopsy and a bone marrow thing done too many technical names for my liking.


    Friday 25.03.11

    What a day I took Clint down to the hospital at 10am this morning and went through to the Medical Day Unit where all sorts of treatments take place and that was  avery scary thing to see all those people sitting their getting…