Hard Day

1 minute read time.

Well what can i say today Monday 28th March has been actually quite a hard day.  Clint has been feeling quite low and it doesnt help that he has turned more yellow than normal. 

He has been extremely sleepy and itchy, wont stop scratching himself i am frightened that he is going to hurt himself.

Why do i feel selfish by the fact that i feel like crying all the time today it is really hard to see him that way and know that we are still waiting on his treatment starting!!  Hopefully by this time next week we will be in a position where we know exactly when his chemo starts.

We have a week full of appointments the McMillan Nurses, then the dietician then the bone marrow thingy on Thursday and then another one on Friday.  Going to be a hard week.

The Appointment on  Monday is with Dr Fyfe at the hospital to find out finally what is going to happen they need to make a decision quickly as he is losing so much weight and i am starting to get worried.

But good news is that we have a brand new neice called Caitlin who was born on monday xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    My heart goes out to you...It is not selfish at all that you feel like crying, have a good cry if you want to. It is an emotional rollercoaster watching the one you love suffer. Good luck with your week will be thinking of you xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tweety,

    Sounds like you are in for One very Busy week. My  thoughts are with you and your Family. All

    the best and Good Luck. Congratulations on the new addition to the Family.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Gillian

    Please never ever feel selfish !!!!  this affects you as well,just from a different perspective it is the hardest thing in the world to watch somebody you love suffer !!!!

    take care sending lots of strength and hugs

    love Maxine xxx