Clint journey

  • Well More


    Well what can I say Clint has had his 2nd treatment and now is hair is starting to fall out!!  He got quite upset today as it was our nephews birthday party and that is when we found out that his hair was coming out.

    He has more symptons starting with pain in his knees and just really starting to get tired as he has now finally stopped his steroids after 9 weeks and now it is all hitting him.

    So will keep you all updated…

  • 2 weeks


    Well what can I say clint has had his first chemo on the 20th of April and so far so good.

    He is still on Steroids and will be until his next chemo because he has been on them for so long, had since they started reducing his steroids he is getting the shakes and feeling very weak.

    I on the other hand am going back to work next monday and I am dreading it, because clint goes for his next chemo on the wednesday.


  • Success


    Well what can i say Clint was at the clinic this morning and at this precise moment and time he is getting his first Chemotherapy Session and it was really good to see him so happy about his treatment., but i am so scared for him.

    Lets hope that everything goes alright for him.



  • Possibility


    Well we went to the Clinic today and finally his liver function is coming down to the level they think they want so hopefully they will be able to get his chemotherapy on Thursday fingers crossed.  We will find out more on Wednesday when we go back to the clinic.

    The only thing that is worrying me is that Clint is looking so forward to the Chemo starting i am just afraid that when he gets it he will not be that happy…

  • How Much Worse Can it Get


    Well what can I say it seems like i am living with a different man lately.  He has been getting some steroids via IV and his mood swings are awful.  I am trying to have a conversation with him and all i get back is shouting and swearing.

    He has also been coming off the Tramadol recently and i am unsure if that is what is causing everything.  I am not sayign i am perfect but I am most definately not willing to be spoken…