New Journey

1 minute read time.

Well after the appointment with Dr Fyfe on Wednesday we found out that Clint requires to get another biopsy and a bone marrow thing done too many technical names for my liking.


Friday 25.03.11

What a day I took Clint down to the hospital at 10am this morning and went through to the Medical Day Unit where all sorts of treatments take place and that was  avery scary thing to see all those people sitting their getting treatment or waiting for scan or biopsies. The Doctor came in and spoke with Clint and got him to sign his Consent Form and then a nurse came in and spoke with the both of us and put a canula in for the radiologist.  I was quite upset so left and the nurse told me to call at 1pm to see what was happening with Clint.

1pm came and the nurse called and said that the procedure had went well and that he needed to stay in the department until 4pm.  So i busied myself with doing housework and then thought i would go and see a friend for an hour before i went to pick him up.

4pm came and I was back in the Medical Day Unit he looked like a little lost soul of my husband lying on the bed looking really uncomfortable.  I had to wait until they got him a new prescription for another medication to help him with the pain.

Came home and have given him something to eat and now he is in bed after having taken his medication and i really hope he has no side effects.  I am totally petrified about everything that is going on.

So another task over for another few days lets hope the weekend is a good one.
