God Give Me Strength

Less than one minute read time.

Well where to begin, Clint was admitted to Monklands Ward 16 Haematology on Wednesday Night as an emergency becuase he went extremely yellow. 

He had been at the clinic on the wednesday morning to see the consultant who said his liver function had to improve before he could get his chemotherapy, so they put him on steriod sto help his liver.  So we came home and i went out to do some shopping and when i camehome he was very yellow more than i have ever seen him.

So he was admitted and put on fluid to help his liver and also put on antibiotics.  Then he was started on his Chemotherapy on Friday which seem to go without a hitch.

I couldnt go and see him because i have a cold which really annoyed me.  But now he is home safe and sound, he got out today on Mothering sunday.  So next step we have to go back to clinic on Wednesday at 9am.

Hopefully going to get some gvood news.  Keep you updated.
