Horrible Day

1 minute read time.

Well where to start, we got a call yesterday to attend the clinic today and no reason why so of course we were worried sick.

Today came and we went to clinic and saw Dr Fyfe who said that he is quite happy to go ahead with the R-Chop chemo but he requires to take a Steriod Predisalone (Dont know if thats the correct spelling) to get s his bilirubin level down which is something to do with his liver before he could start his chemotherapy.  Then he went on to say when we asked if this was cureable that if this was any other type of cancer he would be sending us home to enjoy the next few weeks!!! but with luck because he has lymphoma that this would be recetable to chemotherapy and that he requires a minimum of 6 sessions at the moment, he also said that it is cureable and that he cant guarantee anything.  So good news to a point but also totally freaking out.

Then later on this afternoon i went out and when i came back home Clint was extremely yellow so we called the hospital and they called back and said to take him straight to the hospital as he was being admitted!!!

So he is currently in hospital getting fluid and antibiotics via iv line so will just need to wait and see what happens next.  Hopeing that his chemo starts while he is in the hospital.  Will keep you posted.
