
  • Selective memory, long runs and childbirth!


    I have already erased much of the 18 miles of last weekend from my memory, but I can remember that I likened 15 miles onwards to child birth - the pushing phase! (Which, for the record I've done twice!).

    I'm thinking that I'll delay my 20 mile run until weekend after next, just cannot face it this weekend.

    Did 5 miles on Wed night. No world records set.

    Emotionally feel a bit up and down, but I find that the running…

  • 18 miles - omg!!


    18 miles on Sat. Not pretty, and as always not sure now how we managed it (selective memory obviously!).

    On the positive side, taping of feet and blister plasters did the trick, and also wore two pairs of socks. So feet still in one piece! Also feel ok today. No chafing apart from where there is a label on the back of my trousers, feel the burn in the shower! Scissors please.

    Gave the gels a miss and stuck with sports…

  • Marathon run - soooo slooow


    Only 7 miles today. Usual pe-run prep (a highly technical bowl of porridge and cuppa tea!), but had absolutely no zing. Plodded very slowly around and just could not lift things at all. Felt ok at the end/after, but pretty tired. Slower and less enjoyable than my 8 miles at the w/e.

    Does not bode well for 18 miles later in the week! Bloody mindedness will have to get me round.

  • This marathon training lark hurts


    Did 8 miles on sat, felt tired but sooo much better than the 8 miles I did when first extending my runs. Nice to make progress but did need a nap after.

    The only problem was the rushed choice of pants! Chafing? I'll say so! An obvious need to respect under garments. Even on the runs that aren't that long. Still, it's a lesson well learnt!

    Couldn't face a run today, even with the absolutely beautiful weather…

  • Grim determination, 45 days to marathon


    My neck tension continues, but assured by the oncologist that it's not more sinister. Gotta work on relaxation!

    Really disappointed that my reconstructive surgery planned for tomorrow has been moved to end April. But on a positive note it means no interruption to the marathon training.

    16 miles yesterday, 2hrs 55. Ok for first 10, even the hilly bits in Richmond Park, but tried Lucozade sport drink and gels. Didn…