
  • Seondaries in the brain


    Dreadful news that the breast cancer has spread to my brain, and whole brain radiotherapy is about to begin. I'd appreciate some suppport from anyone who has been there or is going through the same. Thanks

  • Marathon pain


    VLM2011 - I'd like to say it was the best day of my life and that I feel victorious. I'd like to, but in reality it was the worst self inflicted pain other than childbirth that I have ever been though. It hurt from the off, and my fear about my tiredness of the previous few weeks was founded in that it took me 7, yes 7hrs to drag myself around (my long training runs had suggested maybe 5). If I set off walking I could…

  • Only a few days to Marathon!!!


    Only a few days until the London marathon. Went to the expo yesterday to pick up my race number. Feel a little excited/anxious now. I'm sure the day will be great, if a little painful. It's only gonna be 5 hours and perhaps some aches, pains, chafing and blisters and I'll have my medal!

    Good news in that I got the results back from the mri scan of my neck and it's clear, so that's a huge relief. Does the fear…

  • 20 miles tried and spectacularly failed


    Set off to do 20 miles yesterday and managed only 3. Felt rubbish and hammy started to hurt so walked home. Bit of a funny tummy once home, and feel so very tired today (I've slept for 3 hours this pm). Hopefully just a short term bug, and yoga last night helped on the hamstring front.  Mentally disappointed not to have done 20 miles but want to make it to the start line, so 18 will have to be enough! Thank goodness we…

  • If cancer had an arse I'd say I'm kicking it!


    I find that keeping as active as possible helps me to cope both mentally and physically (but then I would say that I suppose as I used to be a fitness trainer, and may well be again!). If I can offer any advice it is to do whatever you can - even if it's just mobility exercises or stretching / flexibility. Walking is great if you can get out. Even if it's a short distance - anything counts! Call on any friends to support…