All about the boobies!

  • Mammy Juice


    That's why my little girl loves me so much at the minute, I have something only I can give her - Mammy Juice!  Boy does she love it.  The little drunk faces when she has finished a feed are adorable.  But I'm worried.  Baby R threw in 2 extra feeds yesterday and overnight, and really doesn't seem to be getting enough.  Is the stress of all this messing with my milk supply?  Can I do anything?  Or are we…

  • Countdown to D Day


    So my Mam has the op date booked.  She will only have two boobies for another 2.5 weeks, then will be going solo.  How do you possibly get your head around that?!  How do you wake up in the morning, look down, and see such an integral part of your life for 50 years just isn't there anymore?  Sadly far too many people have to find that out.  And my beautiful Mam is the next one.

    So, for the next few weeks, she is going…

  • Introducing us and our boobies!


    Hello, I'm Becca, I'm a 26 year old mum of two, and my beautiful, kind, generous, young Mam has just been diagnosed with Breast cancer.  Wowsers.  So 2011 will be an interesting year for us then!  I've just had a baby you see, she is 3 months old and beautiful, and my boobies are the best thing in her world at the moment.  So, if you like, life is all about the boobies for us at the minute!

    My Mam is a very private…