Countdown to D Day

Less than one minute read time.

So my Mam has the op date booked.  She will only have two boobies for another 2.5 weeks, then will be going solo.  How do you possibly get your head around that?!  How do you wake up in the morning, look down, and see such an integral part of your life for 50 years just isn't there anymore?  Sadly far too many people have to find that out.  And my beautiful Mam is the next one.

So, for the next few weeks, she is going shopping.  She is going to wear all her best outfits, and pick up a few more.  We are going to party to celebrate my daughter's birth and ask God to look after her life going forward. 

And all the while, we are going to pretend there isn't this great big elephant in the room.  That we aren't all counting down to D Day.  That my Mam isn't about to undergo the biggest challenge of her life.

Sucks, bigstyle.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Beccar,

    Not sure I even have the right to comment on the effects of loosing such an obvious outward sign of Womanhood, but that usually never stops me, a mere technicality !!

    I really do understand where you are coming from, You are at a point in your life when you enjoying the real purpose of Boobies, providing comfort warmth and nourishment to a young child, that must be a beautiful experience.

    You question the feeling of your Mum looking down and feeling incomplete. Maybe I can suggest a different line of thought without causing offence? Your Mum will be able to look down at her grandchild, something that may not of been possible without the surgery. I bet that if you asked her to choose, Bobbie or many years of enjoying her grandchild I know which way she would vote ?

    There is also corrective surgery to reconstruct her lost asset, so maybe look at what she has has now gained, a grandchild not what she will not have ? There are many friends on here who have been there and can offer help, support the knowledge of their experience to you and your Mum, not trying to minimise the trauma in any way and do understand your position.

    Hope your Mum copes with her treatment and that she has many years of enjoying her, yours and her grandchild's. life and in the meantime enjoys her pre-surgery retail therapy !!

    Love and Hugs

    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Beccar,

    Just like John Im a man. But unlike John I dont have the words that he has, I only wish I had. I couldnt have put your Mums Operation, in such an understanding way.

    But what I can Do is to send you and your Mum all my Support, Strength,Love and Comfort, and wish you and your Mum. All the best for the future. Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx