All about the boobies!

  • The difference a day makes


    Well, I haven't posted for a little while as there hasn't been much to say.  My Mam has been recovering so well, especially since her surgeon told her the op and test results were so positive it was highly likely there would be no need for chemo.  Needless to say we have been celebrating, and had a lovely few days last week when my parents came to visit us and spend some quality time with the kids.  All…

  • My Mam, the inspiration!


    We went to see my Mam at the weekend.  Wow, thats all I can say really!  To look at her you would not believe she had only been out of hospital a matter of days.  If it wasn't for the drain you would never be able to tell which side she had the op on.  Her hair was, as always, immaculate, and her outfit casual but presentable, with a waterfall cardigan covering the bag her drain was in.  Honestly, I was stunned…

  • The only way is up!


    I spoke to my Mam this morning.  She is amazing, such an inspiration!  She was more worried about us finding somewhere to stay so we can come and visit her than she was about her op.  I still can't help feeling some of it must be a front, but the relief to have the cancer gone was tangible.  She said she could feel it getting bigger and bigger, so I think that must help to get her head round losing the boob!

    So by 10am…

  • Its gone.


    Mam now has no cancer.  Oh, and she also has one less boob, but that seems by the by.  Her surgery has gone well and she sent me a text which I wasn't expecting.  She is just relieved that, as she sees it, the worst is over.

    Anyway, just a short update, I don't know how to feel, and am struggling with not living close enough to visit but at least this is one step closer to the day this is all over and done with.…

  • All systems go!


    My Mam went into hospital today.  She has her mastectomy tomorrow.  She seems ok, I still think she is hiding a lot from everyone though.  I am very close to tears all the time, I just feel so helpless.  But at least things are moving now, and the first step in the journey to recovery will be over soon.

    We had a lovely weekend with my family, for Baby R's Thanksgiving.  Everyone commented on how well my Mam looked, n…