Introducing us and our boobies!

1 minute read time.

Hello, I'm Becca, I'm a 26 year old mum of two, and my beautiful, kind, generous, young Mam has just been diagnosed with Breast cancer.  Wowsers.  So 2011 will be an interesting year for us then!  I've just had a baby you see, she is 3 months old and beautiful, and my boobies are the best thing in her world at the moment.  So, if you like, life is all about the boobies for us at the minute!

My Mam is a very private person, and would be horrified if she thought I was broadcasting our life across the internet.  So if I am a little vague at times forgive me.  I need to vent, but she deserves her privacy. 

Me on the other hand, well since I had my first baby nearly 3 years ago now, I have shared a lot of my life on the internet.  I have found forums and blogs places of great support and wisom, with lots of like minded and fabulous people on their own vastly different journeys through life.  I have cried with them, laughed with them, met some of them in person, and our children have become friends.  So to me, using a blog to help me through this time in our life seems only natural. 

So, this is my first blog, bear with me, I hope it makes for interesting reading in the weeks and months to come.  I hope to share the positives along with the negatives, to find the humour in the sadness, and the moments of light in the dark ... and I can't wait until I can move on from this blog, when my Mam is in remission and my daughter is weaned, and it is no longer 'All about the boobies!'

  • FormerMember

    Hello Becca, sorry to learn about  your Mam, especially at this very special moment in life for you with your baby.  My BC was diagnosed in 2007 at the age of 47 - I'm still here although semi boobless but life goes on, I still laugh, cry and live and its all behind me now.  It can be quite a shock to be told one has Cancer but, once your Mam starts her treatment the shock will go and she will put on her armour and take one day at a time.  She is very lucky to have you and her grandchildren and you will all need eachother.  Welcome and good luck to you all.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for that nutcracker, glad you are still fighting fit :)