All about the boobies!

  • All Quiet on the Western Front ...


    Well its been a funny week, with not much going on.  We are gearing up for Baby R's Thanksgiving on Sunday, and I think I have everything under control!  I have been very tired as Toddler R's sleeping has been bad, but I think thats on the mend.  I am quite sore as I have a touch of Mastitis, but at least Baby R is feeding well.  And so life plods on ...

    But then a lovely friend told me yesterday her Nan…

  • Confuddiddled


    What an upside down few days.  Toddler R has been in nursery, so Baby R and I have been chilling at home while I try to get my head around things.  And failing miserably.  Yesterday I pretty much cried.  All day.  Today has been better, but there is so much to try to come to terms with it is unreal.


    But then I pull myself up short, and think hang on, this isn't happening to me.  It is happening to my Mam…

  • Retreating from Hermithood


    Since I found out about my Mam, I have pretty much become a hermit.  I haven't wanted to do anything, see anyone, or talk to anyone.  I have pretty much lived online.  So this weekend I decided enough was enough, and have begun retreating from my Hermithood. 

    I am naturally quite a solitary person, so I am going to have to be really careful over the next few months to not push people away, and to make sure I get out…

  • Aahhhhhhhh


    I have just had a blissful afternoon!  After lunch, hubby took Toddler R out in the back yard to play, and I cuddled up with Baby R.  Then, when the boys came back in, I 'suggested' since Toddler R was on his best behaviour, Mr R could cope for an hour with both bairns while I nipped out to one of the smaller local shopping centres.  He agreed ...


    It was only an hour, but honestly, it was heaven.  I feel…

  • Top of the tree!


    Thats how I feel.  Absolutely at the top of the tree.  Yesterday was pure, unadulterated crap, Toddler R was on some sort of mega hype and Baby R was on a feeding frenzy.  My nice, chilled out night with a friend watching Glee to cheer me up (yes, I am a Gleek!) was ruined by Toddler R refusing to go to bed and ending up shut in his bedroom with the stairgate on at 9.30, at which point I had pretty much lost the…