Retreating from Hermithood

1 minute read time.

Since I found out about my Mam, I have pretty much become a hermit.  I haven't wanted to do anything, see anyone, or talk to anyone.  I have pretty much lived online.  So this weekend I decided enough was enough, and have begun retreating from my Hermithood. 

I am naturally quite a solitary person, so I am going to have to be really careful over the next few months to not push people away, and to make sure I get out, especially on days when I have both bairns on my own - its not fair on them to be stuck in the house when we could be out, just because I am being miserable!

So, we are going to a Baby R's boyfriend's house in a bit.  We were in hospital with him and his Mum, so it is nice to keep in touch. Tomorrow Toddler R is in nursery, so I will be collapsing and having a day of recovery!  Wednesday I am going to meet a friend and her baby for the first time.  Thursday I think we may try to go out for a play somewhere, and Friday we are going to see my Mam and Dad.  All planned out.  Lovely.

Now lets hope I stick to it!  I feel exhausted just looking at it, Hermithood looks so attractive sometimes ...
