
1 minute read time.

What an upside down few days.  Toddler R has been in nursery, so Baby R and I have been chilling at home while I try to get my head around things.  And failing miserably.  Yesterday I pretty much cried.  All day.  Today has been better, but there is so much to try to come to terms with it is unreal.


But then I pull myself up short, and think hang on, this isn't happening to me.  It is happening to my Mam.  I am such a Drama Queen when I allow myself to be, and maybe I am being super melodramatic now. Maybe I just need to pull myself together and get on with it.  After all, my boobies aren't the issue.


Thats the thing about Cancer though.  It does impact everyone.  From my Nana, who is devestated that her daughter has this illness while she is still fit and healthy at nearly 80.  To my Brother, who is still young enough and sheltered enough that this feels like the end of the world, but he has to brave it out.  To my Son, who cannot understand why his Mam is so short fused.   To my Husband, who doesn't really get it, although he tries very hard.


This is all so confuddidling, and I have no idea how long it will take to get straight in my head.  A good while yet I think!

  • FormerMember

    hi hun

    yes i know its such a shock one day everything is fine and all you have to moan about is cleaning up the mess the kids make or wondering if you have enough to get by till next week somehow this illness puts life into perspective and yes you will be struggling to come to terms with everything but you will find the strength to cope and be there for your lovely mum who will need the support of her family we are all here for you its a wonderful site for all the help you need comfort kind words encouragement so dont be afraid to ask for anything you need to know stay strong girl love and hugs jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Beccar,

    Jen has summed it all in her comment.Theres is not much more I can say except to Look after eachother

    and we are here if you need us.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Beccar, hope you're less confuddidled today. There's nothing like a smack in the face when we think our world is doing okay and yes it affects all of us.  Try not to be too hard on yourself though.  You have a new baby so your feelings are all over the place.  Your mum is pivotal to your life and we always think mum's are superwoman so when they get ill, no matter how old they/we are, that's the smack in the face!  Be kind to yourself and don't be afraid to cry in front of your mum - you both need to give eachother a big hug right now and feel just how strong two mums together can be.  Ann x