Top of the tree!

1 minute read time.

Thats how I feel.  Absolutely at the top of the tree.  Yesterday was pure, unadulterated crap, Toddler R was on some sort of mega hype and Baby R was on a feeding frenzy.  My nice, chilled out night with a friend watching Glee to cheer me up (yes, I am a Gleek!) was ruined by Toddler R refusing to go to bed and ending up shut in his bedroom with the stairgate on at 9.30, at which point I had pretty much lost the will to live ...


Yet, despite only being up for an hour, I have already felt mega resentful towards Mr R for lying in bed snoring while I start the day with Baby R, lost it twice with Toddler R, and I can see I am just making this household a miserable place to be.


So maybe I need to just stay at the top of my tree, on my own, out of everybodys way, until I feel it is safe for all concerned for me to come down.  Maybe just a day off, without having to make sure everyone is fed, watered, safe and happy.  Maybe just a day of other people looking after my needs for a change.


Yeah right, thats going to happen!

  • FormerMember

    Morning Beccar, if you can - or make sure you do - get out of the house, leave the children to himself and go and have a coffee, all by yourself.  Your family are reacting to your inner unsettled self.  You will have to care for yourself now as  your mum's illness is not going to go away overnight - this may be a long haul so, if you don't set aside a little time for yourself in order to nurture yourself, your family will respond accordingly.  So, the sun is trying to shine, kick himself out of bed and leave him to it for just an hour girl - your need it.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi, what is it with us girls that we still try to everything even when live is difficult, than we feel resentful for the lack of help, I know iI'm exactly the same. Make time for yourself get out and about and have a little ME time! They'll cope without you for an hour or two. Love Pauline x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks ladies.  I have used my daughter needing to feed as an excuse to stick 'Bones' on the TV, which my hubby has declared is unsuitable for my boy to watch, so has taken him out into the yard to play ... will have to remember that one :)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Beccar,

    Time for some ME time I think, they are his kids as well as yours and as such should put the hours in and not leave it all to you. So give him akick up the arse and get him to do his share.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx