general campaigns - Forum

  • and now we start..


    hi chaps , had my meeting today with the oncologist, and the treatment to be used is EOX.

      don't know much of what went off today, abit over my head but sort of gathered the gist dammed if i do and dammed if i don't. needless to say feeling abit down and struggling to climb out of it (great this is before i start the treatment).

     think it boils down to 4x 21 day treatment, then restage tests, if everything goes…

  • and the voice said...


    got alot of time on my hands, and doing things i forgot i enjoyed, this is poem i wrote to try and explain what i feel. excuse the spelling.

          And the voice said" I will never leave you my friend"

     in the darkest night, just before dawn.

    when all seems lost,in despair and forlorn.

    your courage is weak, and your feelings low,

    your heart is heavy and time passes slow.

    " i will never leave you my friend"…

  • you couldn't make this up....


     hi chaps

         well had my big meeting with the surgeon at the hospital, and its not looking good.........

         my little friend is bigger than they thought, and is now classed as an advanced cancer. lymphnodes in abdomen are showing signs aswell as towards the top end of my gullet. add to this they measured it at over a third to half way the length of my gullet and no prises for guessing not an optomistic outlook..

        so 13…

  • you are wot you eat ha ha ha...


    hi folks,

     well i've just had 3 days of tests. Thanks to the speed of newcastle RVI hospital, full endocope ultra sound ( that hurt like hell), pet scan and a fittness test, just a neck ultra sound tomorrow, then results.

     All this after i was told the cancer hadn't spread, now been told that witha tumor of over 8cm its been there a while and it should have spread ,so they have to make sure.

      on top of this my…

  • highs lows n highs again.


    well, it allstarted a few months ago, with a scotch egg( thats a story if ever i heard one). had trouble eating it, got diagnosed with gastritous,then an ulcer ( i wish), finally on the 6th of july had an endoscopy(pardon my spelling) with results been a growth of about 8 cm in my gullet,as you can imagine the world turned upside down, thoughts of every end possible good and bad, to coin a phrase no one can get their…