you are wot you eat ha ha ha...

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hi folks,

 well i've just had 3 days of tests. Thanks to the speed of newcastle RVI hospital, full endocope ultra sound ( that hurt like hell), pet scan and a fittness test, just a neck ultra sound tomorrow, then results.

 All this after i was told the cancer hadn't spread, now been told that witha tumor of over 8cm its been there a while and it should have spread ,so they have to make sure.

  on top of this my eating has decreased dramatically after the last endoscope,can't swallow anything thicker than soup due to a large build up of (sorry about this) slime the same consistancy as wallpaper paste, so any help on this or if anybody out there has suffered from this HELP PLEASE, couldn't even eat a trifle today and as much as the family support me, constant reflux isn't pleasant.

  well thats it for now, will add more when i get my results, stay happy positive and enjoy those around you.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe,

    I know exactly what your going through, and it not very pleasant.  If you have a Dietician you could ask her for a food supplement. I remember mine did. But Im damned if I can remember its name only that it came in cartons.

    Hope things start to improve.

    Regards Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe,

    Sounds like you have been through the mill today eh!!  Not great to be told it hasn't spread and then to be told it may have - there's that rollercoaster again!!!  Good advice from Sarsfield about supplements, just to keep you going until things are easier for you.  Mum had some called fortisip, you can get them in juice or milkshake form.  She used to have them watered down with lemonade, there are prob others out there as well.  Worth a mention, just to keep your strength up.

    Hope your results are good ones for you.

    Take care

    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    cheers for that got some suplements, hoped not to be on them yet but never mind, good job i adore milky coffee. take care joe

  • FormerMember

    would you believe it, had a bad case of refluxitis this morning and cleared wot had been stuck since sunday.(note to self chew chew and chew again) details to bad for the blog, so just enjoyed poached eggs no reflux at peace with the world.

     had my neck scan andof course a biopsy to go with it, doc reckons nothing out of the ordinary to see GOOD. Got a major meeting with consultants on friday to discuss my case and treatment, lets hope that this is the start.

      as usual all my wishes and stay happy positive and enjoy family and friends around you.take care joe.