and now we start..

1 minute read time.

hi chaps , had my meeting today with the oncologist, and the treatment to be used is EOX.

  don't know much of what went off today, abit over my head but sort of gathered the gist dammed if i do and dammed if i don't. needless to say feeling abit down and struggling to climb out of it (great this is before i start the treatment).

 think it boils down to 4x 21 day treatment, then restage tests, if everything goes ok another 4x21 day treatment. with the chance that it may not work (mmmmm don't like that idea) and a less than 10% chance it shrinks the growth ( or is it a tumour) to an operational size (mmmmm like this option ) but don't count on it.

 BUT still waiting for another 2 weeks to start.

 reading that blogs and comments on here, i realise staying happy and positive is vital, but got to admit its bloomin hard today, got alot of pain and the tablets not easing it as much as usual (think its stress) and its an emotional rollercoaster watching your wife picking out the bad news aswell as the good news, then coming home and ringing friends and family with as little bad news as you think they need to know.Well i can guarantee the only people who would have any understanding of how it feels is you brave guys.

 ah well tomorrow is another lifetime away, sorry not my normal self but you understand promise to buck up by the next time.

  as always stay happy positive and love those around you ( good advice think i'll take it) joe x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe,

    We have all been there and done that and as the saying goes even got the tee Shirt. Yes its a long hard road Joe but I get the feeling you have the strength and outlook to face what ever is put in front of you. So I wish you all the best and if you want to talk theres always someone here.

    So Take care and be safe Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Never, ever apologise for anything you say on here Joe. Unless you are being nasty to someone of course lol and we all know that will never happen.

    You are bound to feel low. It's par for the course with this bloody disease. Yes, a positive attitude is important in fighting this illness, but you wouldn't be human if you took it all in your stride without any fears or negativity.

    You're so right, we do understand and we are always here for you.

    Please try not to look too much into statistics (easier said than done I know), but that's all they are 'statistics'. No-one can ever say how anyone will respond to treatment. You just have to look around this site and find many many stories of people who have been given 6 months or less to live and they're still here 3 years and beyond. Focus on getting the treatment and tell yourself you will win this battle. We are all behind you and that can't be bad can it?

    Hope tomorrow is brighter for you.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    thanks for the words of encouragment and understanding,think that was the first time its got the better of me, probably won't be the last but this site is a gods send.

     and today has been brighter.

    as always stay positive happy and enjoy those around you joe x