general campaigns - Forum

  • fresh week...hopefully.


    hi folks,

        well i never thought the new week would come, haven't been on here or should i say haven't been on any where for 2 days, not even this planet.

        seems that me and chemo don't get on haha, thats a joke not slept for 2 nights but got the concentration span of a goldfish, did i tell yu not slept for 2 (JOKE). been walking if thats what you call it , personally i think i qualify for a part in the new horror…

  • all quiet on the western front..


    hi folks,

      well had a very curious day, was feeling sickly for a while , then nothing. been tired and lacklustre ( didn't know i had any lack left to have lustre on but never mind) and for the life of me can not understand why people take drugs after what they did to me yesterday think i'll stick with vimto.

       but saying that i haven't needed any pain killers at all, considering i was on 2x500 paracetamol and…

  • and now we dance..


     hi folks,

       well had my first chemo, and not a pleasant time of it there at 11 there was an emergency on the ward, my chemo wasn't ready and sat until 13.30.

      great start, half way through wanted to pee (sorry) and went dancing down the ward with my non to willing partner who i shall now call left footed sandra the chemo stand. got tangled on the way to the toilet, did the urgent twostep in a cubicle that…

  • countdown to chemo..


     hi folks,

      well the countdown has reached it's last  5 days. got to admit not having a great time of it lately, my eatings drastically reduced, the pain drastically increased. you know the little non stop niggling little bugger that lives inside you has actually convinced me its GETTING BIGGER......

        so at 43 now reverted back to pureeed food, got to laugh  spent a fortune at the dentists over the last couple of yrs…

  • i need a jamie oliver of my own...


    hi folks,

     well as you can guess by the title the burning subject is FOOOOOD....

     i haven't been doing to bad with the food stuffs, but lately i'm noticing i can't eat things one day but can the next..for example breads a no no but for some reason known only to the gullet monster it allows me to enjoy a puff pastry steak pie mmmm, now work this out, got terrible pain ,reflux the works when i ate mince, taties and gra…