countdown to chemo..

1 minute read time.

 hi folks,

  well the countdown has reached it's last  5 days. got to admit not having a great time of it lately, my eatings drastically reduced, the pain drastically increased. you know the little non stop niggling little bugger that lives inside you has actually convinced me its GETTING BIGGER......

    so at 43 now reverted back to pureeed food, got to laugh  spent a fortune at the dentists over the last couple of yrs wonder if i can get a refund...better still whats the price  for a nearly new part worn crown on ebay along with some oversized jeans could be onto a winner.

  what i can't get used to is the aches and cramps i get when asleep, could be due to the tramidol, need to check with doc, but think that in 5 days time that could be the least of my aches and pains...oh goody something to look forward to.

 well thats it for me still playing the waiting game, still getting bored, suppose i can add to that still not eating properly and still losing weight. not complaining to much about that as i'm not a fashion guru and think its great to buy a pair of jeans off the shelf instead of scrabbling at the back for the largest size poss. beginning to feel normal well in clothes size if nothing else.

   as always stay happy positive and love your family and friends around you.. joe xx

  • FormerMember

    Hope all goes well for chemo (is it on Wednesday?).  In the meantime, sorry you're having a bit of a rough time.  Swings and roundabouts eh?  Can't eat, and losing weight now, but hopefully only temporary.  Hope the aches and pains get sorted out.

    Stay positive,

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe,

    Your having a rough time of it my friend. Never mind tomorrows another day. Lets hope things start to sort themselves out. Stay positive and have your family around you.  Look after yourself .

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe

    I am new here, so wondered if you are waiting for your first chemo, or if this is another chemo in your treatment?

    I hope you are coping well and I think it's great you have such a good sense of humour - it's humour that is keeping me going!

    Much love and blessings to you and yours

    Ems x

  • FormerMember

    hi folks,

      well it does you good to clear the air once and awhile  with this awful condition, thanks for the pick me ups.

     hi ems, sorry to have to welcome you to this club of ours, its the sort of club no-one in thier right mind would join, but when you have to be in it your bloomin glad there's people in here that can understand your every point of view without adoubt.

     i'm waiting for my first chemo on thurs and have the undisputed pleasure of 8x 21day cycles right thru until jan 2012.

     just click my pic or name to read my profile,sorry to read about your cond. but your in the right place to get advice, ask questions or let of steam.

     warmest wishes and positive thoughts to you and your family joex

     p.s your right about the sence of humour you have got to use it to beat the monster with in joe x

  • FormerMember

    Good luck with the chemo, Joe. Like you say, humour helps... and you have plenty of that.

    If it is reassuring at all, I was losing weight  to the point of it getting scary and now i have just come back from 2 weeks away with my family and put on 6lbs! Will be complaining the other way soon... hang onto those jeans, I might be needing them soon...!

    Anyway, we will be with you over the coming months and there is some joy in going to a shop and buying small clothes... and think of the tooth enamel you are saving...

    A big hug to you for next week

    Little My x

    ps cute dog