fresh week...hopefully.

1 minute read time.

hi folks,

    well i never thought the new week would come, haven't been on here or should i say haven't been on any where for 2 days, not even this planet.

    seems that me and chemo don't get on haha, thats a joke not slept for 2 nights but got the concentration span of a goldfish, did i tell yu not slept for 2 (JOKE). been walking if thats what you call it , personally i think i qualify for a part in the new horror movie looked like a zombie all be it a good looking one,but walking around with a bucket for 2 days, wanting to sit still, felt sick, stood up felt sick went to bed had to get up, yer felt sick, easy to see where this is going.

   thankfully bev's been fantastic, cooking cleaning taking the dogs out really kept me busy. ONLY JOKING  she's never left my side and an i thankfull. At one point i even thought that i can't go on with this, sitting at 2.30 in the morning in the dark both my dogs curled up around me, i worked it out i had 164 days of this. Now i pride myself as a decent man, love my family worked hard played hard was brought up by my grandfather, a proper geordie miner with high standards ( strange but true bless him) to respect those that earned it or deserved it but never walk away from a fight and always face your fears.20yrs ago he passed away from this awfull disease (stomach n liver cancer). and i never saw him complain once.but sitting at 2.30 in the morning i admit it beat me, and i thought if i stop the chemo can it be worse........

  Well thankfully its monday, the suns out and for some strange reason i feel 100% better. Slept right through had my tablets without retching, life's not to bad. question- do you think its the end results of the intrvenes part of the chemo cos i can get through this if its only gonna last a couple of days.

   So lyn i hope nielson has a better time of it,  and hopefully the effects i have had are only off the drip and if he reacts the same contact the hospital.

   as always stay happy positive and love thse around you joe xx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe,

    Sorry to hear you are still going through the rough times.

    But it wont last forever I know its little consulation. But tomorrows another day.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe, sorry you are sturggling.. as you know one of my fears is having to have more chemo so you have my sympathy there, there is not a lot to say really as I know it is crap and I hated that not sleeping thing...but what I said before and Bev says... tell the docs, nurses, whoever and keep telling them and taking different drugs till you find one that works! The one that did it for me in the end was the morphine. It was for the pain, but it made me not care about being wide awake or feeling sick or anything.. weird, but good weird...

    and then look at Ruby and her glasses... (well it always puts a smile on my face and you've got the real thing!) Hang in there joe, cos you are a  star and hope you get more days like today...

    Big hug to you and a hug to Ruby the dog (cos she stops me feeling sad0

    Little My xxxx