i need a jamie oliver of my own...

1 minute read time.

hi folks,

 well as you can guess by the title the burning subject is FOOOOOD....

 i haven't been doing to bad with the food stuffs, but lately i'm noticing i can't eat things one day but can the next..for example breads a no no but for some reason known only to the gullet monster it allows me to enjoy a puff pastry steak pie mmmm, now work this out, got terrible pain ,reflux the works when i ate mince, taties and gravy

  yesterday , ravenous ate cornflakes, soup (not together though not a bad idea ) and even mushed up veggies, today struggled with a can of soup.

   Now i can cope with been poorly, and luckerly i can afford to drop a few good stone, but i would be nice to be able to have some consistancy in wot i eat. i've been good, didn't mugg the grandkids for their sausage sandwiches when they stopped over, but you know i don't think there is anything worse than when you want something and you know its going to do you know good,

  well thats about it, not much of a rant, but you guys have heard it all before, (and no doubt will hear it all again). think i'll look into putting tumeric on/into my food, thank goodness for coffee. any good reciepies you may have tried please pass my way and my eternal thanks will be yours.

 As always stay happy positive and love your family and friends around you , joe x


  • FormerMember

    Hi Joe - I am trying the turmeric too - its quite a nice flavour and goes particularly well with anything savoury - soups, mince, I also put it with vegetables. If you didnt get on with the ground version you can also buy it in tablet form.

    I have read all of your blogs tonight - you are a good man Joe - bless you.

    Lyn x