Cancer Awareness

  • Community News : Protecting your mental health on the Online Community

    The Online Community is a big source of support for lots of members. It can be a comfort to read that other members are going through a similar experience to you. However, it’s important to look after yourself online. Sometimes we may need different types of support depending on how we’re feeling. Sometimes it can be difficult to read posts where other people are talking about their experiences, even if those experiences…

  • Community News : Stoma series- Reassurance from the Community

    Have you been told you may need a stoma after treatment or surgery? Are you already living with a stoma? This blog is a collection of supportive and shared experiences from members who have had, or currently live with a stoma. If you’re looking for some reassurance, you may just find it here.

    Even if you’re not looking for reassurance about living with a stoma, you’ll still find lots of warm peer support. It can…

  • Community News : Let's talk about cancer and hair loss

    A side effect of some cancer treatments like chemotherapy, radiotherapy and targeted therapies might cause hair loss.  Members often come to the Community looking for support or advice with hair and scalp issues. In this Community News Blog, we’ll be highlighting conversations in the Community around hair loss and hair re-growth.

    Your hair might feel like an important part of your appearance and identity. Often, when your…

  • Community News : Let's talk about cancer and sex

    Our recent Community News blog ‘Cancer and Fatigue – when will I start feeling less tired’ sparked off a conversation in the bladder cancer forum around sex after cancer treatment. It’s also a subject that many of you are talking about across the Community.

    Some people might find sex an embarrassing or tricky subject to talk about. Some are worried that it might be considered trivial or irrelevant…

  • Community News : Where can I find support over the festive season?

    A snowy pine forest with a bright blue sky

    This week can be a difficult time and can sometimes cause some anxiety for those who need support. Services’ opening hours can change, public places can be hectic, family members and friends may be less available to talk due to preparing for the season.

    Our recent blog “What does the festive season mean to you?” talks a lot about the emotions you might feel. Many of you found this blog helpful to read…

  • Community News : Mealtimes during the festive season

     A festive dinner table with plates and glasses

    During the festive period, there can be lots of celebrations and parties, including plans to see family and friends. This can often involve eating. 

    When you’re dealing with symptoms and side effects of cancer treatment, eating at mealtimes may look different than it did before. Everyone is different and we understand that for some people, you may feel uncomfortable about mealtimes and special occasions with loved ones…