Reoccurring womb cancer

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  • 74 subscribers

 I was diagnosed with uterine cancer October 2022 and had a radical hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. I had 2 tumours stage 1a & 1b but was told it was a curative op with a low chance of reoccurrence.  About 6 weeks ago I had some vaginal bleeding which has been intermittent, I have had pain that is becoming more persistent just inside my left hip. 

I contacted my oncology team and had a MRI scan last Wednesday, on Monday they called to say that the results had come back and I was to come to the hospital today. So as you can guess, I'm expecting the worst news today. I've been silently stalking this group for people's accounts of symptoms and treatment journeys. Today I'm joining in, so worst case or not, my story will be here for the women who are yet to come, and are searching for information will see. 

Update, I have a 3cm tumour at the top of my vault, had some biopsies yesterday but bled profusely and Dr not sure if I will need biopsies under general. Also referred for PET-CT to see if it's spread outside my pelvis and review results in 2 weeks.

  • Thanks  I've put something in my profile. Thanks for taking the time to respond 

    I've read your profile, you have really had such a tough time, and still are.i can't imagine how you process your changing staging, grading and prognosis and yet still manage to take time to respond and warmly reach out to people like myself. But I really do appreciate it, thanks and big cwtches (I'm Welsh, it's our word for a hug) 

  • Hello  

    External radiotherapy has been a challenge for me - side effects difficult. I have other health conditions and previous abdominal surgeries prior to my total hysterectomy, so I think this has maybe contributed to my side effects. 

    Lympho Vascular Space Invasion:

    Some cancer cells were found in vessels leaving my womb when they analysed it after my total hysterectomy. That is why they suggested 27 sessions of external radiotherapy - to reduce the chance of cancer recurring.

    I am glad I had the radiotherapy to give me the best chances. The treatment itself 8s very straightforward and I met some lovely people who were going through similar treatments. 


  • Hi  

    It was very hard to deal with at the time but once I'd been told I was stage 4, I knew it couldn't get any worse. I had worked in health and I think that helped.

    The further I get away from that time though, the more it feels like a bad dream. I've been told to expect it to come back and that the effectiveness of chemo reduces each time. Big cwtches to you.

    A x

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  • Hallo Lee, you’ve said yours were stage 1a and 1b  - could I just ask please what the grade was? 

  • It was grade 1. When I saw my gynae oncologist last week he was so surprises that I have a tumour. Apparently my chances of recurrence was 5%

  • Wow another term that I've learned, LVSI. All these medical terms, there is so much to get your head around .

    It's good to hear you so positive about your radiotherapy, and process 

  • That sounds so tough, but the way you've handled it is so amazing. I'm just really sorry that you've been given that news

  • An update:

    Went for my planned appointment today with consultant to review the biopsies that were taken 2 weeks ago. They were taken during my appointment following a MRI scan showing a 3cm tumour at the top of my vaginal vault. Biopsies were not ready, my consultant rang the pathologist just before I was called in by a nurse. This was 2 hours after my appointment but I knew they were running late, and I'm OK with that. I had a CT PET scan yesterday so was expecting them to tell me that those results weren't ready.

    I'm upset at being called to an appointment that they knew was pointless as no results yet. The CNS was apologetic and explained that someone should have called me to cancel my appointment. The emotional build up to today has been huge, not just for me but for my family and friends, especially my kids. 

    I feel exhausted by the roller coaster and I still have so far to go

  • Hi  

    Thank you for the update. 

    Of course you're upset Lee. I would be too. 

    We build ourselves up for these very difficult appointments and to have no update must be such a let down. Such a waste of time for everybody.

    I hope they get back to you ASAP with some news and a treatment plan. 

    I hope you did something nice and treated yourself after that. If you didn't, then treat yourself tomorrow. You deserve it.


  • Thanks  

    They booked me in for an appointment next Wednesday, the last slot of the day. I spent the day doing a jigsaw Laughing rock and roll lifestyle x