
  • 2 replies
  • 85 subscribers

I was diagnosed 5 yrs this coming December with stage 1 womb cancer. Total hysterectomy, 2 apps lata and that’s it. My menopause symptoms before that weren’t too bad. But since my op omg it’s bin horrendous. I was told by one dr I couldn’t go on HRT Cus of my age,which at the time of the op was 62 and medical history. My new gp has just prescribed HRT patches. So got an app with her. Totally confused.

  • Hello Best fwends

    I am sorry to hear that you had womb cancer but am pleased it was sorted by the hysterectomy. 

    I was told after my hysterectomy and treatments last year that HRT would not be an option because the hormones affect the chances of the cancer coming back. However from what I understand the patches can be different as there is less systemic absorption and therefore less chances of them causing an issue. I think that having the appointment is an excellent idea and hopefully your GP will be able to check your suitability and discuss the pros and cons with you. It may also depend a bit on the type and pathology of your womb cancer and whether it was a hormone dependant type. It may well be that because your menopause symptoms are so bad and because you are coming up to the 5 years that the risk of side effects is worth the potential improvement in your symptoms. It is something that only you can decide upon after having all the information from your GP.

    Hope your appointment goes well and I would be interested to hear what your GP recommends. I am a bit younger than you and my hysterectomy effectively put me into a surgical menopause which although seems to be settling, isn't great at times! Although I did have chemo and radiotherapy so it's hard to distinguish sometimes between what is causing what.



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  • Hi Jane, I want to go on HRT I’m just a bit scared. But having read wat you’ve said about the absorption makes me feel better. Im in bed with a fan on full pelt on my face and hubbies next to me with a body warmer on god bless him. He’s bin really understanding. Txt u next wk afta seen dr. X