After care.

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  • 86 subscribers

Hi I'm June.  I was diagnosed with stage 1b grade 1 womb cancer on new years eve just gone. I had a full hysterectomy on the 15th of January and had six weeks of external pelvic radiotherapy because I ended up with LVSI's. I finished this on the 15th of May. I went to see the radiotherapy consultant about a fortnight ago. While I was there I said I was experiencing pelvic pain which has since got worse and now includes my vagina. I rang the oncology nurse where I had my hysterectomy and she had a chat with my gynae consultant who did my op. He has asked for an urgent CT scan. I'm scared and was wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this. I don't often post on here but I do find it a big support. 

  • FormerMember


    Hello June, I'm sorry to read of your cancer diagnosis and treatment. I had endometrial cancer and treatment last year and am currently stable. My cancer is incurable but treatable. My profile is there if you would like to read it. It's a good idea to write a profile yourself as it helps others in their replies to you and saves you repeating yourself. Just click on your username, then profile and save.

    I know you are worried and I recently had an earlier CT myself as I was having pain. My CT results were fine and the consultant said that it could be scarring on the bowel from radio or adhesions from the surgery. It's a viscous circle, I found, the more worried I became, the more pain I got. The pain was low level aching.

    If you've read my profile you will note that I had pain while waiting for treatment. This was more severe and gradually got worse. It was very difficult to walk, even making the bed exhausted me. I was taking oromorph and then tablet form, zomorph. I recently found out that my pelvis had fractured because of the cancer and I can pinpoint when this was, the pain was horrific. I am not telling you these things to worry you, I am trying to differentiate from the types of pain I had so that you can calculate the severity of the pain you are experiencing. 

    I sincerely hope that your pain is lower level and I hope your scan date comes through soon. If you feel you need to speak to someone the Macmillan helpline is open, this is the link to contact  They are really helpful and you can speak to a nurse if you need to. Best wishes for your results.

    A x