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I am 43 and have been experiencing peri-menopausal symptoms for a few years. I January I had change in toilet habit - I felt like I had a UTI and my pubis symphysis and pelvis was very tender to the touch. Samples were taken that suggested UTI (microscopic blood and leukocytes) I was given antibiotics but no change.

I had a repeat done & again still blood in urine & leukocytes. I feel that I have a heaviness in my lower abdomen much like period type cramps, as I’m on the pill I don’t have a period and feel the need to regularly empty my bladder. I was sent for a scan & they said my uterus was in odd position and that there was fluid in the uterine cavity. Following on from this I had a cystoscopy to check my bladder which found some cystitis. 
I still have microscopic blood in urine, and was told I was being referred to gynaecology for the fluid - my appointment is 20/7.

I just wondered if anyone could shed light on the significance of the fluid. 
I can chalk everything up to menopause, but at present the aching and cramping is constant.

thanks in advance x

  • I should just say, I never had a UTI.

  • Hello Taylor04

    Welcome to the Online Community.

    I am sorry to see that you have had some concerning symptoms. It is only natural to worry but it is good that you have gone to the doctor and that he/she is doing tests to try to find out what the problem is. I can understand how hard it is to want to have some answers now but to have to wait.

    I had womb cancer last year. My only symptom was heavy bleeding. It was enough to go straight to hospital and I had all the tests under the 2 week cancer wait and had surgery 4 weeks from the first symptom. 

    You say that you have had a cystoscopy and that found some cystitis but there is still a little blood in your urine. That warrants further investigation. From what I understand sometimes the uterus can be in different positions during scans but that along with some fluid being seen would mean a referral to gynaecology would be expected. They may want to talk to you about having a hysteroscopy which is basically a tiny camera where they look inside your womb to see what's going on. 

    The fluid can have different causes that are not necessarily cancer- for example a pelvic infection. The heaviness in your pelvis and period type cramps could possibly be to do with this. But the only way of finding out is for the doctors to take a closer look. The urinary frequency could be related to the cystitis they found?

    I hope this helps a bit but if there is anything else please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Jane.

    I’ve had these same symptoms since January.

    The blood in my urine appears to not be being investigated further, I asked if it could be the cystitis but the doctor said they didn’t know for sure. Other than having the odd urge to urinate more frequently I’ve no pain associated with having a wee.

    I am anxious as have had melanoma in the past.

    thank you for taking the time to send a reply, it’s very much appreciated.


  • Update - no improvement & had no follow up from urology, GP is referring me back to the again.

    saw gynaecology consultant on 20/7 and am now awaiting a hysteroscopy.

    I am experiencing a lot of discomfort Disappointed

  • I am sorry that there is no improvement and you are experiencing a lot of discomfort. I hope the GP referral back to urology comes through quickly for you. How did your gynae appointment go? Hope the hysteroscopy is done quickly. 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi thank you for replying.

    I am very fed up, I’m also anxious about the stereoscopy & pain relief I was told to take a paracetamol & ibuprofen an hour before Disappointed I asked if there was gas & air available & there’s not & if I go for general I’m guessing I will be waiting longer. They said they use numbing gel.

    Did you have this procedure?

    Clare x

  • Hi Taylor04

    It’s horrible having to wait for procedures when you haven’t had one before. I found the trans Vaginal ultrasound extremely painful but the hysteroscopy for me was easy in comparison although I was terrified beforehand. I think the thing is every woman’s experience is going to be slightly different. Try not to worry too much hopefully your appointment will be soon and things will be sorted. 


  • Hi Clare

    I can understand that you feel fed up. 

    I had a biopsy which is basically where they take some cells. (Pipelle biopsy)I didn't have the camera part as they said they wouldn't have been able to see a lot due to the bleeding. I took pain relief an hour before. I was really scared before hand but I had such a lovely nurse performing in and another supporting me that it was not as bad as I thought it would be. You can ask them to stop at any point if you are finding it too painful. 

    The nurse who performed it called me the day before and explained what was going to happen and this really helped. When I got in for the procedure they took some medical history and spoke to me about what was going to happen. First there was a quick internal exam as the nurse needs to feel the position of your cervix and womb. There was no pain. She put in the speculum and again no pain. The only bit that I did find painful and it was over by the time I counted to 5 was the part where they push through your cervix. I took some deep breaths and it was soon done. It certainly was not unbearable. It felt almost like a cramp/spasm and you feel a pushing sensation. To collect the biopsy samples they use some long straw like things- literally the size of straws but longer and they take the samples using these. I didn't find that part painful- more a bit uncomfortable like when a period is starting. I did bleed a lot which can be normal. Afterwards I was taken to a smaller recovery room and had to rest for a bit before leaving to make sure the bleeding had settled. I was offered tea and biscuits- which were needed! 

    I did feel a bit shaky after the procedure possibly a mix of anxiety (I don't like medical things!) and also from losing blood. Very mild cramps for the next couple of days with some lighter bleeding. Almost like the tail end of a period. A bit achy and shell shocked I suppose is a way of describing it. Having really good nurses made a huge difference. 

    I would definitely recommend the pain relief before hand. Take some pads with you. I took the Always night time ones just in case. They will give you a hospital one but they are pretty basic ones and don't offer quite so much protection. Make sure you are hydrated and have had something light to eat before hand as you can feel a bit light headed. And if possible it is a good idea to have someone to take you home. I had to take the rest of the day fairly easy. 

    I found the idea of the test was really scary but it wasn't actually as bad as I thought it would be. It was in my case more than tolerable and to be honest once the instrument had gone through my cervix it was done fairly quickly and although you know they are doing something down there it wasn't too bad. Looking back I don't think gas and air would have made a lot of difference and would have probably made me feel less in control. 

    And remember you are in control and at anytime you can tell them to stop and they will. It can be done under general anaesthetic if needed but it would mean sometimes you have to wait a bit longer. My results came back quickly after the biopsy. 

    I hope this helps a bit. It is totally natural to be worried but they will support you. If you need to know anything else please just ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Linda, that helps to hear that not everyone finds the procedure painful, I just want it done & over with.

    much appreciated.

    Clare x

  • Thank you Jane, your experience of the procedure and support has settled me somewhat.

    I just want it done.

    clare x