New to group new to cancer! Diagnosed yesterday- scared

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Following the results of my hystoscopy last week it was confirmed that I have womb cancer- I’m terrified of what’s to come regarding if it’s spread etc. hysterectomy isn’t my concern it’s if it’s spread and this is my first rodeo with cancer. Any tips on sleeping, I wake up in the night worrying. Thank you 

  • Hello Julia50, God bless you, how I remember very well being exactly where you are now, each and every one of us in this group have felt this so we understand how you are feeling. 

    Try NOT TO WORRY about what you don't know........and definitely try not to Google womb cancer as most of it is out of date.

    My journey here started with some unusual watery discharge...from there, appt for transvaginal scan, then hysteroscopy. The doctor didn't seem to be too concerned and actually did say worst case scenario was hysterectomy, so that gave me false sense of security. A week later I received call from gynaecology offering appointment the following week to see consultant, I think I knew there and then it was CANCER, I knew little about womb cancer and was very frightened of putting my family through another nightmare (you can read my bio by clicking on my username).

    A year later, I am well, back to normal life again, Thank God, Pray. So please don't despair, it's not always a death sentence, I know Cancer and death are closely related but , if you think about it, we don't actually know our sell by date do we? Even without cancer, we don't know how or when we will die, no one knows if they will live to old age, it's out of our hands. 

    So please try stay positive (I know it's not easy...)and take it just one day at a time, you should receive a call or letter with results of your biopsy, please do pop here and let us know if we can help you in anyway. Hopefully it's a low grade and caught early, then hysterectomy will give you a cure.

    Ask away anything that pops into your mind, take good care.


  • Hi Mad 

    thank you so much for your quick honest and positive response- much appreciated xx 

  • Tbh Julia50. I do still worry sometimes, but I go with the flow of my body, if I feel well. Then I tell myself I AM WELL. It's scary stuff, but we can do this! Sometimes, the worst is the NOT KNOWING, once you have everything in front of you, you can get through one step at a time. Try not to look too much into the future and just deal with the now. All the best xxx

  • You are absolutely right, the not knowing is that worst part and the feeling of not being in control. Staying positive is going to be my main plan and like you say listen to my body and take each day as it comes 

  • Hi Julia ams welcome to the group. Every one of us here has walked or is walking this path with you. It’s a lovely group of ladies and we are here to support each other. I still remember the phone call back in November 2021 when I was given my hysteroscopy results and told I had cancer. I remember the registrar’s voice rattling off all the info like an express train not stopping at a station, and had to ask her to stop as my brain had stopped at the (matter of fact) “you do have cancer” and I wasn’t retaining anything else she said. I feel for you as you take this in and process it - it likely all feels up in the air and overwhelming but give yourself space and time, it will settle and you will find a way forward. Has a predicted grade or stage been mentioned at all? And what will happen next?

  • Hi thank you for the welcome. They haven’t said what stage - I have to have mri and chest X-ray in next 10 days then the board will look at that to see if I need further treatment/lymph nodes removed etc. I will have hysterectomy soon also. I’m praying that that’s it. I have had what feels like heartburn for last 10 days so I’m anxious that is something wrong as well. I’m so scared but pleased they are acting fast. The not knowing if it’s spread is the most scary part. 
    I hope you are doing well.


  • Hi again Julia, with me they gave the type and grade at time of diagnosis, and then a predicted stage after my MRI and chest x Ray. My stage changed after my hysterectomy histology but for many it stays the same. I’d suggest that the heartburn may be nerves/anxiety, bless you. Hope your MRI and X Ray date come through soon. I was lucky as mine came through in less than a week. 

  • Hi, thank you, that is what the doc thinks. I have just had a call for the mri - tomorrow- v quick as was only given results yesterday! Good wishes 

  • Hi again Julia50, The heartburn may  be  stress related, I had something similar every evening in the run up to my operation, mine was cramping discomfort in my abdomen area, I too was convincing myself that the cancer was growing out of control. Try some camomile tea, if you can it's very calming and soothing for digestive health and nerves. Take care x
