Journey update

  • 19 replies
  • 87 subscribers

Hi everyone, just got a call from the hospital and I have CT scan booked for Tuesday which means results will be available for mdt on Friday so everything seems to be moving along well which is at the moment at little overwhelming but good at the same time 

thank you 


  • Hi Royalcb , good luck with your ct scan tomorrow. I understand at first everything really does whizzes by and very overwhelming. But I am glad your not having to wait too long before your results.

    Sending gentle Bear hugs.

    Community Champion badge_GBear Xxxx 

    What is a Community Champion?    Womb cancer forum  

    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.

    “let hope be your lighthouse beckoning you though stormy seas" - Jessica de la Davies

  • Thank you Gbear, tomorrow can’t come quick enough but it’s another step forward and it’s the support on here that keeps me going xx

  • Thinking of you for tomorrow - is it with contrast?

  • Hi Marmite, scan done and I did have contrast, so playing the waiting game again but hopefully not for too long xx

  • Well done! Hope they told you to drink plenty of clear fluids to flush out the dye, and hope you get results Friday. 

  • They did, they were all lovely even put my soaking wet jeans somewhere warm to dry as I thought I’d walk to the hospital in the pouring rain Smile I’ll update as soon as I hear anything 

  • Well done for getting through that, I've always had my scans CT scans with contrast but the 1 MRI before op.  I had without. X

  • Oh   that reminds me of my last CT with contrast i was absolutely socking wet and freezing, had to be the worst weather possible. They did have to make 6 attempts to get a vein though for the dye, but at least they managed. Fingers crossed for Friday when you get the results.

    gentle bear hugs Bear

    Community Champion badge_GBear Xxxx 

    What is a Community Champion?    Womb cancer forum  

    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.

    “let hope be your lighthouse beckoning you though stormy seas" - Jessica de la Davies

  • I have just spoken to support and they did discuss me at the meeting and I’m provisionally booked to see the gynaecologist on Monday morning 9am , just waiting for secretary to phone me and confirm. Is it normal to start panicking again because I now think it’s worse than I thought because it’s happening so fast or should I be grateful for it being dealt with quickly… my mind is all over the place! X

  • Hey Royalcb, really glad you have your appointment through. In answer to your questions, it’s a yes to both! It’s normal for things to trigger emotions going off all over the place, and it’s normal for it to take a while for us to let things settle. I think of it like being in the water with waves crashing all over you right left and centre, but knowing that if I stand still, the waves will pass and I’ll be fine. We’re kind of damned if we do hear and damned if we don’t. If we do hear we worry why we’re hearing, and if we don’t hear we worry why we’re not hearing - it’s kind of a bit self defeating either way. What I used to try to hold on during my diagnosis and treatment was the more I know, the more able I’ll be to learn to cope. And whatever you’re told Monday can be that to you - a stepping stone to coping and moving forward. During the time between my diagnosis and my op, I heard it said that anxiety wasn’t about worrying what might happen, but was actually about not having any control - so I found it helpful to remind myself that sometimes I needed to just let go and go with whatever was happening rather than thinking ahead.   Amanda