Serous adanocarcenoma

  • 3 replies
  • 87 subscribers


I am 76 years old. I was diagnosed last month. I have had my first cycle of chemo- placlitaxel and carboplatin. I started with side effects the day after treatment. I would love to hear from any ladies in a similar situation.

  • Hi Lennie

    Welcome to the group, iam sorry that you have found yourself here with us but your have come to the right place to get support and advice from a lovely group of ladies that have been experiencing the same issues. 

    What type of side effects are you experiencing?

    I don't know if reading my bio ( Clicking on my name in green "Robin" it will explain my experience) is particularly helpful as my experience isn't the norm to be honest and I wouldn't want to put you off as I had reactions and infections. There is a link to where we all post anything to do with our chemo if that would help. Plus I'm sure some ladies will be along soon to share their experience. 

    Hopefully this link to our chemo posting will work below,.

    Don't forget you would of been given a 24 /7 rapid response card with a telephone number on so anything that your concerned about they never mind you calling to check. 

    Robin xxx

  • Hi Lennie,

    I finished chemo last month and had the same type as yourself. I had chemo on a Friday, was okish over the weekend then Mon to wed I had the effects. The first time was the worst and I rang the chemo nurses just to check there was nothing else going on. I felt fatigued, nauseous and totally dried out inside no matter how much I drank. This caused constipation each cycle. As time went on I got used to the symptoms and became more fatigued, which I was told would happen. The effects also started earlier and lasted longer.

    Best of luck with your treatment,

    A x

  • Hello Lennie and a warm welcome to the group no one wants to join! But now you are here you will find an extremely pleasant forum of ladies at different stages of their journey and I'm sure some others will be along soon to welcome you. 

    I also have had Serous and finished my chemo at the end of June 2022. I didn't have good experience with the Paclitaxel as it gave me an allergic reaction for the three cycles so in the end I decided (after advice from chemo experts) not to continue the double regimen and only had the Carboplatin for final three cycles. 

    I felt really rubbish for about a week following the treatment and then it picks up a bit and started feeling more normal. I had tummy cramping issues, constipation, pains in legs which made me almost fall over whilst walking and fatigue. The leg pain were due to the injections I had for five days after each cycle. 

    I lost a bit if my hair on my head but did not go bald as I opted to use the Cold Cap System and this helped me retaining most of my hair which has made it grow back quickly. My hair is now back to normalish. It's just feels a bit wiry/dry but I had it cut short and ditched the wig in July as it was so hot wearing it and you wouldn't know how much Is lost, this was important to me but I realise it's not the same fir everyone. Please do ask anything else you need to know. Just remember that the cycles do pass quickly and when I started mine in March, The end seemed a long time ahead but I got there and so will YOU. 

    Take care x
