Hello, shocked, and don’t feel any different!

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my first time here. I’ve had some post menopausal bleeding back in June. Went to the GP who said she could see a polyp and did an urgent referral. 10 days later I had an appointment where I had 2 ultra sound scans and then went in to the nurse who told me my womb lining was 17mm. I then went straight in for a hysteroscopy and had biopsies. Fast forward 4 weeks went back for results and the consultant said some cell changes but everything would be ok if I had the polyps removed and a mirena coil fitted. Went back last Friday to have this done and afterwards the consultant sat me down and said she had seen some really suspicious cells in my womb which she though were cancer. They called my hubby in who was a shell shocked as me. She arranged an urgent MRI which is this Sunday and back for results next Friday. I’m feeling scared, angry that the first consul hadn’t said the cells were pre cancerous and worried about the journey it looks like I’m embarking on 

  • Hi Smellybasset

    I’m new here too and I’ve had a very similar experience. It’s such an emotional rollercoaster. Sending you lots of Heart

  • Right back at you Mavis 26 Two hearts

  • Hi Smellybasset, it’s almost a year since i went to my GP with some slight pink spotting and was put on the 2 week pathway. I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in November and had my hysterectomy in January this year. I have never felt unwell the whole time. It’s a weird thing isn’t it that we can have something as serious cancer and not feel ill. How are you feeling about the MRI?

  • Hi and welcome to our group. It's surprising the number of ladies who find themselves here being given a possible diagnosis of cancer yet we've never had any real illness in our lives. I was the same, sailed through menopause with nothing but the odd hot flush then a couple of pinky spots on my undies sent me on this roller-coaster ride. We can all empathise with the shock and disbelief as we've all experienced the same feelings.

    But you're not alone as you're now with ladies who have between us accumulated quite a vast knowledge so any questions fire away. If you want to rant we'll listen and offer virtual hugs.

    Although nothing's been confirmed as yet I'm attaching some links to reading material you might find useful:  Understanding Womb (Endometrial) Cancer. I found it really informative and helpful.

    Click on the link I’ve created to find out more information covering diagnosis and treatments for Womb cancer.

    You might also find this link to what to take in my overnight bag useful for if/ when you have surgery.

    You can speak to someone in confidence by calling Macmillan Support on 0808 808 0000 - 365 days a year 8am to 8pm It's free from mobiles and landlines. The friendly team are waiting to take your call.

    There is also an Ask an Expert section, but you should allow two to three working days for replies from our expert team.

    Sending you welcoming hugs, Barb xx 

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    Womb cancer forum

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • I’ve had numerous MRI scans because I’ve got a complex spinal issue that I’m waiting to see a surgeon for as well. I spoke to the gynae cancer nurse this morning and she said she will chase the results up of it and ring me when she gets them. I think I’ll be glad to have to put me out of the is it cancer or isn’t it 

  • Hi all I too went to the GP with some spotting, that was mid June, an ultra sound, a hysteroscopy and a consultants visit followed to find out the polyp they removed was cancerous. I’m due to go in Slight frown hospital on 19 August for a full hysterectomy. It’s all been so quick I’ve not had time to take it all in and it still seems unreal. Now absolutely bricking it thinking of next Friday Slight frown

  • I've been on this roller coaster since I had light spotting in March.I quickly had diagnosis and  full hysterectomy. I've had 25 radiotherapy sessions and 2 Brachtherapy. Been fortunate in that little discomfort from either....but fatigue is awful. I start 4 cycles of Chemo on 18th....and I'm scared. Not sure what to expect in terms of how I'll feel, side effects, coping strategies. Any thoughts welcome.Heart

  • Hi Cornishlass

    I can understand the whirlwind feeling,  the 19th August was my booked date for Total hysterectomy and BSO but the hospital called me two weeks early with a cancellation so it was all done at lightening speed on the 5th, it is so fast which is really good that they get on top of it as quickly as possible,  I was scared witless but the medics are amazing, I came home on day 5 and am taking it easy and doing as I'm told which is unusual Rofl here anytime me for a chat xx

  • Hi Crocus, I’d really recommend posting and asking in the dedicated Chemotherapy Support thread as then you’ll instantly connect with those who’ve had or are having chemo. It’s here community.macmillan.org.uk/.../chemotherapy-support-thread