Possible endometrial cancer

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  • 85 subscribers

Last Tuesday I started having pains in my stomach , back and groin so my GP sent me to A&E where they diagnosed a kidney stone as there was blood in my urine. I was told to go back if things got worse. I duly returned the next day and they thought it was appendicitis and sent me for a CT scan at 2am. I was given morphine so I fell asleep only to be woken by a doctor who said there was a cyst on my uterus and transferred me to gynae. A few hours later another doctor gave me an internal examination and said that there was a mass and she would discuss it with the team. The next day she came back with a consultant, another doctor and a nurse. This really worried me. The consultant said it could be a fibroid or endometrial cancer. I then had a biopsy and told that I would have an MRI within two weeks and the biopsy results would be back and we'd then discuss the treatment. I was contacted today to go for a hystoscopy on Friday and the MRI is booked for next Tuesday. I am so scared. We have two grandsons and another grandson who is three weeks old and I want to see them all grow up. I also have non alcoholic cirrhosis and was admitted to hospital 7or 8 times in four months last year due to internal bleeding. I am going for my liver scan tomorrow to check for tumours. I should have one every six months but it's been 18 months due to covid.

  • Hi  I've previously welcomed you here to the forum where you'll get lots of support from others who've been in the same position, scared of the unknown.

    Don't be scared at the speed at which things are happening, they're supposed to move quickly. I was diagnosed and treated last year and every test,scan,consult took two to three weeks between each. The wait for things to get moving was endless.

    We'll be here to hold your hand, come back and ask any questions, we'll support you.

    Sending hugs, Bx

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