Grade 3

  • 19 replies
  • 92 subscribers

Anyone one else grade3 

  • Hi  I noticed you hadn’t had any replies so just popped in to say hello. Yes, I had grade 3 cancer. Diagnosed 2016. I needed surgery, then chemo and radiotherapy because it had jumped into a single pesky lymph node, plus it was a serous type which is rarer and more aggressive. In March I’ll be 4 years on from the end of treatment. How are you doing? x

  • Yes mine was a grade 3. Recovering after a radical hysterectomy and waiting for brachytherapy treatment but I've been told it was caught early and only in the womb lining

  • Yes I was stage 1a grade 3. Removal of everything plus brachytherapy 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Annie I'm 3a Uterine cancer which jumped to my right ovary.  I had what the dr called the full dinner plate special.  Full hysterectomy all my ovaries etc.   I had 6 rounds of chemo, 27 rounds of targeted radiation.  This all ended 2018 and have been NED.  Keep strong 

  • I was diagnosed after trans vag scan and pipelle biopsy with endometrial adenoma cancer as stage 1B grade 2 in July 2014 This was confirmed by MRI scan which did not show breach of the uterus After hysterectomy removal of ovaries Fallopian tubes cervix and pelvic nodes Histology restaged and regraded to sage 3A grade 3 but no lymph node involvement or lymphoma vascular evident The tumour had progressed through the uterus wall I was offered pelvic radiotherapy of 25 fractions over 5 weeks but I decided against this I stayed with the same lovely surgeon and saw regularly for over 4 years 

    I am now in my seventh year of no evidence of cancer but as my surgeon said although recurrence is very unlikely after 5 years you can never say never but I will face that if I’m unlucky and rethink my options

    It definitely gets easier with time and as my surgeon said some people spoil their lives worrying about recurrence which rarely happens but if it does we will deal with it

    Wishing everyone all the very best Stay safe and have faith in the medics taking care of you

    With love Petronella

  • Hi . I have just been diagnosed grade 3 too. Not sure about the stage... I am waiting to hear about my op date

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Fairycake

    I’m really worrying about tomorrow as I get my ct results and I’m a total wreck. Thank you for asking, hope your ok x 

  • Hi Annie

    Easy to say, impossible to do - try not to overthink things. Our wonderful NHS will arrange the best plan for your treatment. I know the waiting and worrying is so hard, I've been there too, thought to be Stage 1A, grade 1 after MRI but found to be Stage 1B, grade 3 after op and histology results. I'm now 4 months post op and 2 months post brachytherapy. Yesterday I had my first 3 monthly check-up and all's good.

    I went through the tears, staring up at the ceiling in the dark, crying then hysteria, even howled at the moon one night! Now I wonder what all the fuss was about, but for me at the moment the rollercoaster has stopped to let me off!

    Hope all goes well tomorrow, let us know how things go, sending you a reassuring hug,

    Barb xx Hugging

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  • Hi again. I've just gone through the same thing. Whatever the results are trust that it will give your team a plan for dealing with it in the best way possible for you. Easier said than done I know. Got my fingers and toes crossed for you that it's positive news

  • Hello Fairycake

    Hope you are well.  I’ve found your posts so comforting 

    my mum has stage 3c recurrent endometrial cancer.  It’s come back in her pelvic lymph nodes and para ortic lymph node.  It hasn’t spread any further....

    The info on google has given me many sleep less nights... she’s being treated at the royal Marsden and is supposed to have 6 chemo cycles.  She’s had 2 cycles and I’m desperately hoping the chemo will kill off the horrid cancer cells.   

    did you have recurrent endometrial cancer too? I’m just so worried after googling which I shouldn’t have done Unamused

    sending you lots of best wishes and love HeartHearts️ xx