
  • 13 replies
  • 65 subscribers

Hi again. 

Following on from my first post - waiting for hysteroscopy. I had a call to say there was a cancellation for this morning if I would like it. Yes please!

Had the procedure and biopsies. It was more painful than I envisaged but I coped - just about.

Now it's just a waiting game for the results but the Consultant said he couldn't see any glaringly Confusedobvious abnormalities so I suppose thats one positive.


  • DiDee, I had an attempted hysteroscopy under local which my consultant decided to stop because of my pain levels - I wanted him to keep trying and to get it done but he said he didn’t want me to have a bad experience and faint/go into shock. I was extremely disappointed and burst into tears, especially at having to then wait a few weeks to have it done under general anaesthetic but when it finally happened, it was a breeze.

  • So sorry to hear of your bad experience and glad it all went well in the end. Have you had your results back? Hope there fine and your clear.x

  • Hi, it was three years ago this month - I was diagnosed with cancer, had a hysterectomy plus some adjuvant treatment in 2022 and, as far as I am aware, remain cancer free.