1st chemo and in lots of pain

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  • 62 subscribers

I had my 1st chemo of carboplatin and paclitaxel last Friday. I am aching and in pain nearly everywhere. Didn't expect it to hurt this much. Did anyone else experience this? Is it normal? 

  • Hello, have you Called the dedicated number? They should be Able to support further. If not, I’d give them a buzz. 

    I experienced aching, however this could have been down to being low in magnesium and potassium. I was prescribed supplements to help and I felt better x

    • Hello. I did ring the number but they have just told me to take painkillers and keep an eye on my temperature. 
  • Hi Topic

    I see you have called your cancer help line and always do this if you have any concerns. Its what its for.

    I had the same chemo as you and also had the whole body pain. I was told that it was the paclitaxel. I was given stronger pain killers- like you and also told to keep an eye on my temperature. The pain felt like it was in my bones but combined with the aches like you get with flu.

    The things that helped me were to take the pain relief regularly, rest up as much as possible, warm bath and just knowing it would pass. For me it was a few days each cycle, then it would settle on its own. It may be worth asking about your steroids and asking whether a tapering dose may help. For my first cycle I had a lot of different effects the day after my steroids stopped. For the following cycles, i was given a tapering dose and this helped. 

    I would also recommend filling in your diary/book with how you are feeling on each day- it will help when you have your review and it may help as I found most side effects followed a similar pattern each cycle. 

    I hope it settles soon, but yes it can be normal.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Yes that’s what I did - take painkillers to try and manage. 

    Could be like low in magnesium or potassium? Maybe eat foods that have more of these in and see if this helps? 

    Aching could be a few diff things I think xx

  • Hi Jane, 

    That is really helpful. Thank you. The not knowing what is normal is really hard. Hopefully it will settle in a few days.

    Did you have any problems with indigestion as well?


  • Thank you. I will look into the magnesium and potassium. Can that be helped with different food?

    I am also struggling with indigestion type paint.


  • Yes, indigestion as well. I was given omeprazole.

    I called the helpline several times and often just the reassurance that it was normal and would pass helped. 

    Paclitaxel | Macmillan Cancer Support

    I found the first week the worst. The second week I would start to feel a bit better. The third week I felt able to do things as long as I paced myself. I did find the effects accumulated with each cycle- so I had generally more fatigue building up.

    With your blood tests they will be looking at magnesium levels etc and if there is an issue they will give you supplements. My magnesium went down on the 3rd cycle. 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Jane 

    Thank you. I will perhaps try helpline again if it doesn't settle. Feel so uncomfortable Slight frown

  • Yes, I am like Jane. Just ring the helpline for everything Joy 

    It is tested with the bloods like Jane said but if you start to eat the foods and maybe see if this helps. 
    I just googled but potassium is like bananas.

    magnesium there is loads like avocado, fish like salmon or tuna. Have a google. Green veg is like a big one - spinach from what I read. 

    I didn’t experience indigestion. 

    Let us know what they say/advise, etc 

    Ann-Marie x

  • Give them a call. Chemo is no fun but there are things they can help with. 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm