What to pack in your overnight bag for a hysterectomy!

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  • 63 subscribers

It will be three years in January since I had my hysterectomy (click on my name if you’d like to read my story) but I still remember how helpful I found it to make a packing list for my hospital overnight bag and even to go out and buy a few new things. Focusing on that gave me something else to think about, enabled me to feel a bit more in control and all in all it helped to ease some of my anxiety. So I thought I’d do another thread now for those with upcoming ops - what did YOU pack in your overnight bag, and which things did you find particularly helpful? Here’s a few suggestions that I picked up on here and found especially worthwhile:

- my own pillow (it was a sheer relief to lay back on it when I was on the ward post op and I wouldn’t have got any sleep without it - the familiar feel and smell was so reassuring, as was the literal coolness of not being on a pillow with a plastic cover underneath!)

- an extra long charging lead for my iPad and iPhone as the power points are usually behind the bed 

- snacks (in case you don’t feel up to a meal), sweets (your throat may be a bit dry from the anaesthetic), squash (plain water can be a bit boring and squash can give you some energy too) 

Feel free to add any further suggestions! 

  • Hi Marmitefan

    Great idea to do an updated thread.

    I took a small blanket from home on the suggestion of one of the nurses.

    I also took some hand gel and some wipes to freshen up.

    Slip on shoes, so I didn't need to bend down.

    I took a puzzle book and pen, also a couple of magazines.

    I also wrote down a list of contact numbers 



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  • I took so much stuff I didn’t need ‘just in case’… Including at least 2 full changes of clothes, dressing gown, plenty of toiletries.

    You don’t need many clothes or non-essential toiletries. Useful for me were phone (with music on), headphones, charger, book. I also took a puzzle book (nearly took 2) and pen but didn’t use it in the end. 

    Good point on sweets - I was sick after my op (may have been the morphine) and couldn’t eat any food until the next morning so I really appreciated a couple of wine gums.

    Also - after the op I found putting a little pressure on my abdomen helped. I had my hands resting on my abdomen at first then a nurse made me a comforter - a towel folded inside a pillowcase. I tucked this into the top of my knickers and kept it there until the next morning - this was really valuable for me, just that little bit extra weight, and I would defo recommend taking something like this just in case it helps (instead of extra clothes!)

  • I used my lightweight dressing gown a lot as there was a bit of waiting around in my case and the gowns were rather short! 

  • Good point Clem16! I splashed out on a brand new lightweight dressing down and wore it pre op too while I was waiting for surgery as they wanted me to be in my hospital gown almost right away from 7.30am and I didn’t walk down to theatre till just before midday! 

  • That was the same for me too. I was worried I'd read half my book before I'd even had the surgery!

  • I also bought some new slippers with a firm sole as hospital floors can be slippy!