
  • 19 replies
  • 65 subscribers

Hi again. 

Following on from my first post - waiting for hysteroscopy. I had a call to say there was a cancellation for this morning if I would like it. Yes please!

Had the procedure and biopsies. It was more painful than I envisaged but I coped - just about.

Now it's just a waiting game for the results but the Consultant said he couldn't see any glaringly Confusedobvious abnormalities so I suppose thats one positive.


  • Hi Sidney

    Am glad you were able to get a cancellation and have had the hysteroscopy.

    Hopefully the pain has now settled along with any bleeding. 

    Hopefully the results will be back soon and give some reassurance. 

    In the meantime, we are here if you need us.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you, and yes. I feel much better today. Blush

  • That’s great!!

    I was lucky to get a cancellation appointment for my MRI scan after diagnosis - less time to worry and think!

    Fingers crossed for your results, hopefully within the next couple of weeks you’ll have some answers - there’s nothing more you can do in the meantime, just keep yourself (and your mind) busy with other things!

  • Thank you. I'm trying to get on with things for now. Worrying won't change the result so one day at a time and hope for the best, prepare for the worst Heart

  • Wishing you all the best and hope your results come through quickly.

    I went for my appointment the other day and had a internal check tgd  tried to do aspiration to do biopsy but couldn't . So I've got an appointment next week to have hysteroscopy, which I've read it is painful so I'm very nervous about it.

    I hope we both get the all clear. X take care andvlets keep each other update  Purple heart 

  • Try not to worry too much, I (was) super squeamish and very anxious before my hysteroscopy but was offered penthrox (green whistle) part way through which helped me cope with it. There will be help and options for you, just let them know you’re nervous and ask what’s available if you need it at the beginning. Good luck!

  • Thanks for replying. 

    As Vi states, tell them your nervous and that you may need pain relief. I just about managed as the pain was towards the end but afterwards I was quite poorly. My blood pressure and heart rate dropped and I fainted so I ended up on a drip on a ward for a few hours to come round. I was told this can happen but not very often so don't let it put you off. (I was reluctant to post this but I think the more info we have beforehand, the better) Just make sure you tell them you may need the pain relief. Good luck with it all and let's hope all results are back quickly and give us good news. 

  • Thank you so much, I think I'm nervous about the pain as although I have a very good tolerance I was in agony with in transvaginal scan which has never hurt before, so I think I will need something. Will keep you all posted.  Ladies, take care, look after yourselves x

  • Much appreciated and thank you, see how I go and keep you posted, you take care too x