Holidays post hysterectomy

  • 9 replies
  • 65 subscribers

So am having radical hysterectomy with lymph nodes on tuesday; we had to cancel our late summer holiday - so looking for realistic experience of whether we will be able to go away and enjoy a trip for xmas? I am due radiotherapy currently. 

  • Hi Tangle123

    I had chemo as well so my experience may be a little different.

    After the hysterectomy your post op pathology results will be looked at and these will confirm whether you need any further treatment. 

    If I had just had a hysterectomy- it would have been 6 weeks recovery and I would have been ok for a holiday.

    My chemo started 6 weeks after the hysterectomy and I would imagine that if you just need some radiotherapy- that would likely start around the same time. My radiotherapy was 25 sessions. 

    If you just have the radiotherapy, I would think you should be ok but it depends on how you react to it. 2 months after treatment, i would have felt well enough to have a little holiday but probably would have taken it a bit more easy than normal. 

    I would say perhaps wait for the post op pathology and then find out for sure what treatment you need, and then book. 



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  • Hi I had radiotherapy only and am abroad just over 3 months later following total abdominal hysterectomy. My treatment started around 6 weeks later so 3.5 months  total. Agree - find out if treatment needed and when it runs to. 

  • Great News you are enjoying a holiday abroad. Please may I ask about travel insurance and did it cost an arm and a leg.  Did you have to declare that you had cancer and was there anywhere you could add that your treatment had been completed. I have booked a holiday for next May to Kos and am now wondering about travel insurance. Due to have my 25 radio therapy starting 23rd September and then 4 brachytherapy after that so my treatment 'should' be finished (praying I wont need any more) by May of next year. Also, can I ask which company you went with. Thanks so much x

  • Hi Edgecumbe Girl

    I have taken out a couple of policies with insurewith. I did not have chemo or radiotherapy but I do have a couple of different conditions which increase the premiums. I got very reasonable prices (I am a retired insurance broker so I know how expensive travel insurance can be). I also have done a quote for my sister who has stage 4 breast cancer and has had chemo and is currently having immunotherapy and it was very reasonable. The questions asked are very thorough and the system is easy to use!

    Linda xx

  • Thank you so much, just got a quote for £75 for both of us. Brilliant and easy to use site too. 

  • Brilliant! Something to look forward to

  • Hi sorry about the delay in replying - hotel WiFi abroad wasn’t good enough to reply I see that you’re sorted now which is great. Mine was Avanti and I declared the cancer along with a couple of other things. I have an annual world wide policy., and it has doubled but I didn’t think it was horrendous- also had a basal cell skin cancer in last 12 months. 

  • Ah, hope you had a nice holiday. Thanks for coming back to me, I was worried that it would be sky high but the one I have used is very reasonable. I will keep Avanti in mind for when I need it again. Thank you

  • Yes I felt exactly the same. Travel is a huge part of my life so was delighted to be able to get insurance.